Gillford Totem

Ooooh, men and women are sooo different. Quite the throw back, back to the day when science! was used to dictate that POC were less intelligent than euro-american populations, because they tended to not score so well in those culturally euro-american centric IQ tests...

But don't you know: the ugly hag anti-porn feminists are the true problem here. Where did they get the stupid, crazy notion that, say, the fact that extreme porn acts (where the woman is almost always at a disadvantaged position) are increasingly passed on as default, is something to be frowned at? Any sort of opinion

Balloons? wtf are you on about.

Like that will keep the usual gang of concern sex-positivists, claiming upon claim how it's the ugly hag anti-porn feministz who hate porn actresses. And sex. And the boys are all right!!!!!

Yeah, "double standard". It's almost as if they had a bunch of naked women leaping around fully dressed dudes-oh wait

"It's also commons lyrical filler in sex songs" Look up rape culture and stop embarrassing yourself. Oh right! It doesn't directly affect you, so it doesn't exist!!!

Consent is not "a good thing"; consent is fucking MANDATORY.

Since you are so completely abhorred by the notion of not injuring people during sex, looks like a bunch of women did too. They certainly have no more need of anymore of those types of douchebags.

I hope you get paid to spit out irrelevant bullcrap. You should be in the clear in no time.

Ancient Greece and ancient Rome as some kind of preferable model for the treatment of women? I'll pass. I'm not even that sure about modern Rome.

Doing "something new" without consent can very well be abuse. Regardless of how useful for you it is to erase these accounts.

Yes, when it is known that the social position of women in places such as Ancient Greece or Ancient Rome was quite nice. Those evil Victorians...

Different coat, same act.

Ah, this is about pottery, now? Because I thought we are talking about women being physically and mentally abused by their partners, while their partners took inspiration from ????? magic, i guess. Since porn has now became the sacred cow we are not supposed to touch, because, after all, it "leads technology" at the

When said "generic sex" (what is this even supposed to mean? "generic"?), is not based upon the abuse of the other partner, like it has been reported here and you're trying to trample all over, then yes, it IS more valid.

Well, a lot of amateur porn tries to emulate professional porn so, I don't know exactly what you're trying to disprove, there.

The populations that lived for generations nearly isolated in small villages, in survival economies, were consumers of porn? In anywhere near the same quantity and type as today?

My only thought is why do enlightened folks such as yourself don't realize we don't live in a post-homophobic world, and that too many people DO care, and still DO persecute gay people.

Way to make shit up I didn't even remotely imply. You're good at this outrage machine thing!