Gillford Totem

Or maybe you're just a misogynistic asshat. That could be the case.

People keep bringing rape up because it keeps fucking happening. Sorry not sorry about your and that suing dumbass' fee-fees, and that the systemic degradation and sexual abuse of a specific part of the population gets in the way of your whining.

Your bropals already tried that one countless times here today. They all failed.

I too look forward to the shitheads bringing up this article, next time there is some story concerning a sexually harassed/ raped female student in a male environment, while the school ignores and whistles away.

More like anti-male propaganda from dude who sues due to Room Full of Women.

Awww... so cute! It's made up tit-for-tat time!!

That's one apt nickhandle you got yourself.

That because you don't understand crap about what the majority of commentators are usually talking about. And you now you're just embarrassing yourself.


Well, if your husband said it, i guess it's settled, then.

I'm sorry, my comment was not aiming at your particular case. It's aiming at a general attitude that seems to be recurrent around here, these days.

If the potential victim were white, I'm sure the rape would have been easier on her, somehow.

The actual question is: was the rape victim white? Because in that case she should first check her privilege and quit whining.

"These Britaboos/Anglophiles need to be reeled in big time." Oh yes: it's all about calling out. The fans, that is. You are so much better than those crazed lowly worshipers.... Allow me to bask in your moral superiority-

Nah thanks, I rather not take the word of sites that are clearly all about going on on the "we are better than you lowly fans" stance, that see no problems with 'embellishing' quotes for the sake of easier outrage.

The uninvited and entitled invasion made by any straights in to LGBT spaces is not commendable. Still doesn't warrant any black eyes, in the off chance that all the straight person did was ask for a drink. At a bar.

Disregarding the occasional blunder or troll, the general consensus around here seems to be that it's not ok to objectify people, be it straight women, be it gay men, be it any other sexual orientation or identity. Your initial comment makes it sound like there are constant comments of prospect fag-hags demanding gay