Gillford Totem

So, wait: straight women can't be targets of misogyny now, specially if said misogyny is coming from other discriminated groups. Or perhaps they can be... they just have to stfu about it.

Whatever your identity is, it's secondary to the point at hand. The point here, is the eagerness to maneuver an article reporting misogynistic attitudes in a given culture, in to "no, no, no, no, no; let's focus on what women are doing wrong".

Are gay men allowed to have their own safe space? Sure they are. Are they allowed to leave a woman with a black eye for going there, as it's retold somewhere else here? Well...

Right on! Who the fuck told them they were allowed to get out of the kitchen?

"Here's the reason Hispanic men treat women like shit."

Because women blaming themselves willy-nilly? It's unheard of, I tell you!!

Yeah, let's talk about those bad, stupid, silly womenz instead (that the article actually mentioned, btw). Holy derail! AND a good example of the article's point, curiously.

And this piece of backwards crap not only is out of the grey, but also got 4 stars, and counting...

Yeah, that poster is absolutely hating on the entirety of men as a group, and even threatening to rape some dudes! Totes the same thing!!

That's because the term is supposed to be "Fuck Zone".

That Roy thing seems to be some dude looking to have his ego stroked. Don't touch. It's yucky.

I'd say searching for a BJ giver that actually wants to do it, and doesn't feel demeaned while doing so, would sort of the defeat the purpose for plenty of those poker dudes.

There are also people who enjoy getting beaten up. Certainly that means we should quit it with them nosy anti-DV laws.

Because prostitutes who are trafficked, enslaved and/or work for a pimp are clearly identifiable. Like, they walk around with a little pin on the lapel, don't ya know?

"he mere fact that a john can't know whether a prostitute is the independent, pimp-free, drug-free, human-trafficking-free, utopian free spirit that he may desperately want to believe in... renders his use of such services to be morally despicable"

Men opinions... on women's bodies - the media is so, so, but SO deprived of those, you can actually feel the man-pain from all the oppression deriving from the silence enforced upon that martyred group. WHY are you oppressing the mens, YOU!? They need to talk about how their peens feeeeeel!!!? And this was their time!

What? No stinky feet rape on screen? The nerve!..

Just a reminder that the dismiss button is a thing, that is right up there on the right.

For what it's worst, this is not the first time I've heard about mixed race people getting snubbed and discounted by members of a related discriminated group. Sort of what also happens to bisexual people, as well. I'd guess some individuals are not that comfortable when one challenges their (supposedly solid and

Groupthink? There be bodyshamers, and totes legit social vigilantes not fond of old crone feministz.