Gillford Totem


For too many men out there, sex is deeply connected with violence, degradation, and putting themselves in a superior position over the group that's systemically marked as beneath them (never too much to mention, to the point where being called a "girl" or "woman" is an insult). Their entire identity is built in


I don't know what makes the sight of conventionally attractive women turn people in to a-holes.

Dude! You are dumb!

Good. Fuck off, then.

Ahhh... good ol' body snarking, in good ol' jez...

That comment should be higher up. This all think stinks of bounty hunting for female flesh (and clicks, of course, clicks...).

That is interesting, but there's a bunch of other comments around here basically asking WTF is wrong with Sweden. So, ok.

But don't you know? Pubes are, like, disappearing!!!1

Shoes off? Really? Damn, just when I thought it couldn't get any worst. Hell no.

There's no excuse to sitting spreadeagle with your huuuuuge leggies practically draped across the other passenger's thigh. Strange little thing: the other passenger is almost always a woman. Tell you what: keep your stinking seat (men giving up seats to women? lol, where to you come from? the 1950's?), go full

Men use their penis as an umbrella, to basically provide shade. Duh.

"if I made an article mocking women who feel insecure about not being able to meet unrealistic beauty standards" in other words, every other stand-up comedian go-to joke, ever.

Nah. Apparently, you're supposed to be proud and/or safe in your jealousy, and anybody that criticizes it, is oppressing you. Go figure.

Yeah, well, it's a fucked up, sexist way of raising men, and it should be questioned. Not certainly turned in to an inevitability under which one can perch on, to lash out at those that refuse it.

When you get the sads and oh so vulnerable over another human being managing to make a living, you deserve mockery. Plain and simple. Double so when it happens to be a human being that was and still is part of a disenfranchised social group.

Yeah, feminism sucks. It was so much better, back when women had to suppress their sexual desires, and get themselves married to whatever dude, no matter how unattractive he was to them, in order to survive. *sigh...*

Hum, hum. "Willful cruelty and evil", such as threatening random women with rape. That's what you meant, right? Thought so. Or laughing at a sex toy user is "just as sexist" as threatening rape?...

Having ignorant takes on sex toys: just about the same as doxxing and rape threats, tbh.