Gillford Totem

Sounds like your sexist bullshit just nullified the douchebagery of the article. Well done, there.

"If you read this about your ethnicity and/or gender, would you be offended or hurt?"

"Any" group of women? Such as, I don't know, white women? Because, when a similar post comes from those types, around here... it does not tend to garner 200 so stars, strangely.

If you don't act in the described way, perhaps... it was not about you?

They don't know the only group that's ok to generalize about is white women. Because if one of those even dares question it, she's automatically a racist that should have stfu and know it was not about her.

Come now: you already had your quota of attention for today, MRA whiner.

If some of the attitudes from certain esteemed, GT-posting locals are of any indication, that forth wave thing is a reality, by now.

Where did I say anything about Lulu being cool? Have fun fighting that straw; after all, it's the only way you have to feed your sidestepping outrage.

We don't call it "slutsearch", we call it "the internet". Sorry men got handed a small taste of what women have been through all this time long.

Nope, not "both genders". When the target is women, it's "freedom of speech".

Yeah, just so long we do jack shit when it's time to judge women, for example, the all point that started Facebook.

The dude actually thinks this article is about his penis' fee-fees, and wominz are tripping over themselves over worries on what his pee-pee finds sexy... It's baffling.

This article is not about your genital's opinions.

To "nowhere near as much", I would add: not with the same tone, not with the same entitled attitude, and certainly not with the same consequences.

... aaaand apparently the mansplainers manage to chase you down to here. Point of the article proven, and proven again. (Plus, I would say it's not your fault these illuminated minds can't grasp the concept of systemic prejudice).

Pff, sorry, but lost battle, there. I mean, more often than not, I witness Jezebel's revered!regulars going out of their way to support the occasional abrasive trolling... just so long the trolls somehow help them put down that particular kind of feminist...

I'll be waiting for that type of concern reply in those same terms, next a white woman complains on this site of being the target of racism.

And it's the same daft drones going on how funny it it to post pictures of battered women labeled "Misogyny". And for their next 'joke': pictures of hanged POC labeled "Racism"...

It's their pathetic attempt at demeaning women. And there they go, on their merry way to prove the article's point! It would be funny if it didn't cause such profound second hand embarrassment.

Ah-ah-ah, a bitches-don't-stfu joke!!