Gillford Totem

Sure they can! Just so long they* don't think, for a second, that, by that time in their lives, they'll get the same reverence back.

A too late comment, at this point, but I have to wonder if all this hetero female enthusiasm over these gents would be the same if they did NOT have a story, an (albeit perceived) personality, a human aspect attached to the (let's face it) wrinkly, pasty, blotched, at times botoxed faces over the rather crooked

A men's publication putting out a list of bangable women over 60? That would be a sight. Hell: a list of women over 40, would be something. Because there's a particularly interesting point being missed around here*, and no, it's not particularly feminist or female-friendly.

I got your joke.

Rly? *sniff, sniff* Because it smells of patriarchy to me.

u sound mad.

You jelly?

What we are witnessing here, is a massive display of butthurt of the testes.

Boy, you sound butt-hurt.

Your first mistake, is thinking Jezebel is a feminist rag. From then on, it's a quantity of inaccuracies too vast to number.

Your response to concerns about catcalling was basically "stfu, bitch, because draft". This says women should not even be allowed to question their constant humiliation on the streets. As if being a prospect sex-toy is to be accepted. YOU were the one making this correlation, not "feminist propaganda". And YOU were

Yeah! Take back society, men!! Oh wait-

You seem to think draft issues would be somehow solved if women simply put on a pretty dress, serve as decoration and sex-toys as they are supposed to, and quit being so uppity.