Gillford Totem

Once you go on ridiculous hyperbole such as "Men are expected to DIE for women", you earn the side-eye. If anything, it would be more like "men are expected to die for a nation" (which, last I checked, is composed of both women AND men), but that would not serve your anti-feminist rhetoric - even more accurate, would

"but at least she is rewarded for her services"

It's convenient to forget issues such as these,

... and homophobic. And xenophobic...

This so much.

If their primary belief is that most women don't have to work in order to survive, then that's just precious. Because, as somebody with a vagina, I get my nutrition from air, live in a pink cloud in the sky, and have no bills to pay.

You don't give a shit about abused men, or men doing dangerous jobs per si. You only remember them when it's time to fling crap at your cliché-view of women (comfortably forgetting there is a sizable number of ethnically and economically diverse group of women, in the US, working in dirty, demoralizing, underpaid

So, why aren't you confronting the government on their international policy and general war culture instead? Of course not, being an anti-war hippy doesn't earn you bro-points. Nah, nagging women over the internet is so much more fun.

Right... too bad MRAs only remember that when it "Let's erase and generally scoff at women's issues" time. I call it derailing bullshit.

#lolwomenthatdon'tshave #trolololhairywomenhavingsex #muchsexpositive #soprogress

Yeah, I'm gonna kill myself and all that.

"declares the frat house unfit for human habitation"

Searching for personal information (phone, address, etc) via whatever electronic trails a person leaves on the internet (e-mail, facebook, and so on). The extra punch is that these brave little activists not only search for (often not publicly available) info on feminists (or occasional feminist-leaning bloggers) they

Of course MRAs will suck up to the patriarchy 'till the cows come home. Because, despite all the short-comings, men still have one hell of a lot of stuff to win from such types of societies. Keeping women subservient and controlled? Extra bonus!!

Careful, there... you don't want to be doxxed.

The way certain people go on auto-jump the second anybody even dares to question the markets of pornography, prostitution and general female body exploitation in the context of a patriarchal society (ie, reality), yes, is basically shutting down any conversation and reinforcement of the sex class situation. Sadly,

You're right. It's stupid for being needlessly dangerous.

Or Long Live Women Are The Sex Class, and dam you to feminist hell for trying to criticize that status quo.

Of course, it the all the same because it's current procedure to try and discredit victims of mugging, by drilling them on how many times they open their wallets willingly.

Eeesh, you definitely lift the stone that set the creeps ablaze. *scrubs with steel wool to remove encrusted bits of 'totes mature for her age' *