Gillford Totem

That's probably because "maledom" is not systemically othered.

"'I'm a man.' why don't you stop caving to social pressure, you silly womenzz!!!"

I think most people would like to do whatever the fuck they want, while most Feminists would like to overthrow the Patriarchy, but ok...

I'm sure some do, but let's not pretend most "oh no, I'm not a feminist, because I don't hate the menzz!!" women even know what "choice feminism" (or Feminism, for that matter) is.

Nope. Lily was out to bash the underprivileged. Why don't you get it?!

Yes. I'm sure that's precisely what she's saying.

Pff... I look at all of those, and I can only say I don't have some measly samples: I've got the Full Hairy Product, right here. Ah, ah.

No. Go screw yourself.

Kids are indoctrinated in to gendered roles from the cradle. They might not consciously recognize it, but the set of values that dictates being anything coded as feminine is inferior? It's there. Often, it's not even subtle: what's one of the, if not number one, favourite insult thrown at boys, as soon as they can

No. You're just an hetero man that happens to be too daft to get your personal subjective perceptions are not a faithful mirror for reality.

Nope. But just like with POC, they are often viewed as "not quite people". And funny thing: the fact that some individuals pierce through it, does not make the prejudice magically go away.

The point is that, if men have body-image issues, it's thanks to the cultural fact that being perceived as feminine or "girly" is the worst that could happen to a boy, because being a woman (or woman-like) is seen as inferior and demeaning.


I'm not saying it's because of porn.

"Men get rejected more than women. It's not even close."