Gillford Totem

Right. And Barack Obama is president, so racism is no more!

I dunno; what does the gender-distribution in the Roman Senate tells you?

They are not reading you. They are "reading" the straw rad-fem in their own heads.

Perhaps... men have it tough, perhaps because they live in a misogynistic society, that nullifies and vilifies anything coded as feminine?

The unrealistic depiction of men in comics, serves as aspirational perception of actual power, action, and assertiveness. While the unrealistic depiction of women, serves the purpose of being decorative and sexual objects.

"Ok, but women are just plain more likely to be considered physically attractive than men. I see tons of pretty women, not too many men who are straight up handsome."

"She has to have access to men to convey her personality. And if she's ugly, she will not get the opportunity. In fact, the very fact she even has a personality, might very well be one big obstacle in itself."

I bet this terrible, terrible MISANDRY is the thing all those poor victims over at Lifehacker are complaining about. Jezebel is mean to the menz!!! Menz are being called out in one website! Call the wambulance!!! :(((

Wha, wha? Lots of girls fantasize about rape, ya know? Why all the ignorant sex negativity, Jezebel? ~sarcasm

This isn't about you or what you fucking do in the bedroom.

And you keep on with the ridiculous over-personalization... This is not about what you kinkster pals think about their kinkery in the BDSM La-La-Land where male abusers "generally" don't exist*. This is about what society at large thinks about male dominance and female subjugation, and how messages such as the ones

Yeah, but what if men, or a traditional faction of men, are jerks? What of it?

... And "being fair", is how we take trolls out of the grey.

"We need to see a celebration of our femininity and softness." Please do! You can call it "Pinky-Winky" or "OMGerd-Shoes!!!" and run with it. This woman would be more than glad to be alienated from such fuckatry.

Once something, kinky or whatever else, is made public, it is then subjected to the rules of any other public expression, which includes exposure to criticism, and call out for when it supports a systemic social prejudice (in this particular case, a particular misogynistic prejudice that dictates women actually WANT

The clothes a non-public figure, random isolated individual wears, though there's a possibility it might be seen in "public", is not a matter important enough in itself, to affect the public sphere and culture at large. It's still interesting how your suggestion upon my criticism of porn, is telling me I should get

I couldn't care less about what consenting adults do, in the privacy of their rooms, kitchens or whatever. But once their practices start not only being publicly sold as the norm, but also as a norm that's destructive in the way that it indirectly (or at times very much directly) reinforces the discrimination,

But if only I let some thoughtful gentleman flog my prude, close-minded ass, then I'd learn, right? Oh, the ignorance.