Gillford Totem

It's interesting how it seems this "rape culture" deal is apparently a big concern around these parts, yet, magically and at the same time, porn navigates in a blissfully dreamy, isolated vacuum amongst it all. How nice. Oh, wait: "rape culture" is not actually a thing, y/n?

Good luck ignoring the concern gents that invariably show up, when the matter is abused women, disregarding the subject because, hey! 50 Shades of Grey, imma right, fellas?!!

I failed to recognize how your position as multiple poster on a bunch of stuff, also made you curator on who gets to post about what and when.

To be the criticizing POV. What's the point in jumping in the Let's Slug The Whorephobic train, when everybody else is already doing it? Or why do you "only" show up to take down feminazi old hags?

Ah! But it's not so ridiculous when it's women being subjected to it?...

I'm saying I've read those same complaints coming from asexual-identifying people, as well as people (mostly women) who's sexuality is not quite as "show-y", on how certain branches of sex positivism are not helping them at all. Not just erasure, but also shaming and triggering.

Uh, I'm sure his position has a man in this society has nothing to do with what he derives pleasure from. Or, more precisely, with what he is willing to perform publicly.

At first sight, that might have made sense. BUT. For that to be the case, we would have to be living in a post-feminist society, where women at large held the same amount of actual power those men in the first paragraph tendentiously hold.

Oh, he's not "in to it". How odd... Yeah, there is a really huge erasure of women who "like it" going on, these days.

It's interesting how you have the need to keep on parroting "a lot of women like it" (no, really, it's a lot, a LOT!! nearly all of them, hear?), and how close minded it is to even suggest that publicizing such notions just might feed in to a very particularly pervasive social norm.

Yeah! Women like it!! So stfu OP, and take the comment gang bang!!!

Oh, somebody think of the women who like to be slapped and choked. We don't hear nearly enough about them.

Disregarding the negative societal weight certain "consensual" sexual activities carry with them, especially when performed in public, before a society that uses said representations to farther push down a disenfranchised social group, is not "fundamentally positive", healthy, or constructive. Cultural myopia does not

"I can't stop a man on the street from attempting to secretly undress me using his brain when I walk by, but I can ensure that he has to pay X amount of dollars to actually see it"

Not a "word game". More like "accurate definition". Your outrage over the way women chose to carry themselves, is nothing but a tantrum from an entitled little boy, who still thinks the world spins around him, "women" get dressed for his sake alone, and that every other girl is responsible for your pee-pee.

Sneezing is a component of biology too, yet most are not stupid and selfish enough to sneeze on other people's faces.

Also if a guy can cook/enjoys cooking.

Yeah, let's discuss some more Hillary Clinton's cleavage and lack of make-up, instead of whatever the hell she's actually saying. Keep on bringing some more pointless BS to justify women's exclusion from the public sphere, and how that makes them so angry!!!! because the cuties think they're actual people!

Slut shaming? Nah. More like "wtf is wrong with you". Just because you're attracted to a woman, you're not entitled to her. Much less is her attractiveness an attack or personal provocation against you.

Yeah, sure. Submitting is always easier. And telling women they are supposed to find snide indirect ways to get to goals, lest they hurt some male ego (or, who knows, their own physical integrity), is quite the innovative perspective. I mean, what has humanity, and discriminated-against groups in particular, have ever