Gillford Totem

That's because it's an attention-hungry troll.

Any other empty ignorant cliché, or was that it? Rhetorical question, btw.

It's the same "logic" homophobes use against LGBT people's rights: "Why don't you go say those things in Iran? THAT would be brave!!", when what they actually mean is "I want to kill you, but the law here won't let me, so go to a place where they'd do it for me".

translation: GRUUUUUNTUGRUNG! AAAAAAAAAAAEEEEEEEEEEAAAAH! GRUNG KRUNG!! *Citizen eats bugger* *Citizen farts loudly* *Citizen eats own shit* *Citizen smells everyone else's shit* *eats it too*

"What this is about, fundamentally, is that women are horrified by male sexual desire"

Yeah, it's also your instinct to piss and take a dump where you stand. However, most humans learned otherwise. I'm sure your cop-out on how you're entitled to take a shit on a public bus might be filled with passive-aggressive and misogynistic pearls, too.

I don't get it: what the hell did any of those two women do, to be deserving such a level of scorn?

"Reverse sexism"? That's a laugh! A woman does not comply to random men, like the demure little dame she's supposed to be, it's "reverse sexism". A woman worries about herself and her continuous societal underprivileged position, it's "reverse sexism". Comedy time!!

"friend zoning" is only a thing for boys who think women exist only to fuck, to the point their friendship is worth shit. GTFO while you're sinking.

Why can't we stop? Because internalize misogyny is a powerful societal control tool, and being "compliant" to standards brings in a number of pats on the back (as opposed to a bunch of kicks on the ass).

... cue misogyny apologists getting their knickers in a twist over non-existent censorship...

Thank you, 50 Shades of Trash...

Just one small detail:

"I don't hate women, I hate everybody equally!!! Look how profound I am!!!!" *gag*

No, no: it's that thing again, where men know more about women than women themselves do, and how that totally entitles them to regard women as irrational animals. And also, that world where lesbians don't exist.

The douche didn't say "humans are like dogs". So STFU.

That's the thing: I don't have to satisfy or revere any man's ego. So I don't have to turn the other cheek, for the sake "of the relationship".