Gillford Totem

I'd say you're displaying quite the deficit in the empathy department there, too. So, not much space to talk?

Don't forget that uglies are awarded with the full fledged insults, out of nowhere, "Why don't you go die in a ditch, ugo" kind of endearments.

As a young girl, you're not allowed to have a sexuality, so teen idols are a way to sublimate it. Do try to keep up...

When the onus is off women's bodies, and gets put on men's, it's "dumb". Of course.

Well, there are also men who enjoy being kicked in the testicles. Now, if there was a mass media outlet conspicuously spreading around the idea that, what men really want, is to be kicked in the testicles, and women just went at it with any male partner they encountered, no questions asked, we would be calling it a

Way to try and shift blame. The problem is not what we'all misdirected dumb prudes do or don't do; the problem is the sort of porn most people watch, and the negative impact it has on sexuality in terms of unrealistic, inhuman, and down right stupid perceptions/ expectations, and women's place in society in general. An

So? Just because a woman likes it, doesn't make it magically all right and free of criticism.

So, you stopped dressing to please men, and started dressing to please men instead. Great evolution, there!

Damn straight. Defining this horrid crime as "giving in to baser desires"... Projecting much? It's certainly useful when these up-scale concerned citizens admit and reveal the absolute filth they have inside them.

We've got ourselves a good ol' "Look at big-big me, shutting up some bitches" bro, disguised as Sensible Questioner. Never mind.

Don't worry: there will always be the Morality Champions such as yourself, ready to trash and punish her some more (while not even mentioning the fine gents that had the up-scale morals of putting her in that position...), for living in the fucked up culture that dictated her body is worth less than a piece of

Given your fucked up notion of what constitutes "consensual", I'd say that's a load of bullshit.

This is not rape? Oh boy, you're dumb as nails. Trolls like you should have the cops latched on to your ass for some investigation. All that pathetic rape apologia might have a serious raison d'etre...

This is the second time around, under this article, I've read about how this is OK in Yurop, as way to stupidly excuse the clip's fucktardness.

Personally, I would like know precisely in what "European country" is this the normal way of saying "hi to people", like, I don't know, your boss or your local butcher.

Look at the big strong superior being, impervious to the powers of persuasion, suggestion and cultural rearing the rest of the dumb humans are subjected to!

Yeah, but for that one needs the capability to empathize...

Hum, hum. Because accusing the woman of being an hussy that encouraged the gift in the first place, and bringing down the workplace to an unprofessional level by provoking the poor, poor male colleagues, is unheard of.