Gillford Totem

Really? I think this is one of the many perfect sites to post this, to make it clear how necessary feminism still is.

No. You just specifically agreed to a comment who was going up to the throat to invalidate this woman's experiences, and sexism in general. But hey! No biggie.

That's true; I wish my (male) acquaintances would stop giving me hell over my untidy house/ work station/ whatever. Not up to their male standards of cleanliness, I guess... :(

Since most people around here are in no position to key any car, this is about principles (or "farcical moral" inanities, to put it in your terms). You just happen to think dollars are worth more than discriminated against groups, that's all.

I just think it's interesting how a bunch here is more worried about the integrity of a heap of metal and its owner's wallet, than the mental and physical integrity of certain social groups.

It's trash advertising too. Your point?

Lowest things? So is being a misogynistic prick happy to reinforce said misogyny every place his sorry ass goes to, fyi.

You're wasting your time with a shit for brains.

Gee, thanks a lot, Paula...


"threesomes they've engaged in"

It's a commendable effort, but I'd say it's wasted with this specimen. If tomorrow (hell, today) there's some other article about yet another woman falling victim to rape, you can bet this same scum will be up there with his faux concern again, pissing all over the victims, while insulting anybody who naively tries to

Why exactly are people wasting their time with a shit-head troll, who does nothing around here, but use women sexual assault cases, to take out his fucked up frustrations against women?

"emotionally loaded"? Please, kindly do go fall ass first on the business end of a rusty pole.

"Making history":

Well, just so long the female performer keeps on being really, really ridiculously good-looking, everything's ok, right*?

That thing looks both expensive and painful. From this ugly hag's perspective, to answer your calculation: not worth it.