
I’m a bit younger than you and also got a *lot* of attention from adult males, even more so since I developed early. I haaaaaaated having skeevy adults looking at me and trying to talk to me, and it would never have crossed my mind in a million years to encourage any of them. I found it completely gross and creepy, as

Assuming, of course, I had a house.

Yeah, that’s why does so badly. Except they don’t, because their clothes actually look good.

Correct. But that doesn’t mean I don’t get an opinion on the price of stockings.


Holy shit, $1500. That’s nothing. Absolutely nothing. If I only had $1500 in student loan debt right now, I’d be dancing naked in the street.

I buy “high end” hosiery - none of it costs over 80 bucks. There’s “high end” and then there’s “bullshit.”

Yes, but no. Pantyhose shouldn’t be an investment. For $115, those motherfuckers better do the dishes.

Yeah but these are not made of silk and cashmere. They’re rayon and spandex.

$115 for 95% rayon and 5% spandex. This isn’t a high end material, that’s the same material makeup my $25 leggings cost. And a rayon/spandex blend like that won’t even last that long. Not $115 long anyway.

Ok, high end hosiery. No way does it cost that much, unless you like being scammed. You can get silk for less.

Yeah, hosiery is never an investment piece. The fuck? Nice stockings just mean you can maybe wear it more than twice.

No, good hosiery does not cost that much. Anyone who tries to tell you it does also has a bridge to sell you.

Good hosiery does not cost over 100 bucks. You can get very good hosiery for under 50.

One of the female faculty when I was in grad school talked about a ~very~ derisive male member of a promotion (or tenure...I don’t remember the details) committee that she was on. The woman who was up for tenure/promotion had had a rough pregnancy, and had been on bed rest for most of it. She had had to take the

Women don’t make children by themselves, for themselves, as some kind of idiosyncratic hobby. They should have partners sharing the burden. Societ should share the burden too. Also, fuck you.

You’re forgiven. It’s not like white Canadians are any better. Good luck with the drought.

This has been lots of fun (sarcasm mode, obviously) over here, because the shitbats of Australia are having to choose between losing a chance to be rape apologists or losing a chance to be racist about brown people.

When my mother said that toilet paper was an item on which to never skimp, I doubt this is what she had in mind

The Hunger Games is real.