
This is likely going to be an unpopular opinion, but I can’t help but feel that people who are the loudest about how they don’t care what I think are really just trying to convince themselves. Because if you don’t care what I think, why are you so invested in proving to me that you don’t care?

Oh, fuck this shit.

Is this what they used to call otherkin?

First time I ever heard of this guy in an article in Yoga Journal, my creep alert went off. It was an objective article, too.

Any time you got people gathering around one guy they think has the answers, that one guy (or gal or group) had better be a relatively decent person, or things will go wrong.

I hear a lot of stuff in yoga I know is crap. But I enjoy it, know what’s crap, so whatevs.

My mother made me wear my brother’s hand-me-downs and cut my hair short because she couldn’t deal with styling it for me (to be fair, my hair does suck.) Everyone thought I was a boy. Had I turned out gay, I could have said “WHAT DID YOU EXPECT, WOMAN?”

Legislators who pass or even propose laws they know won’t stand are jackoffs. I don’t care what side they’re on, don’t be wasting resources just to make a fucking point or be a wrench in the machine.

I ate a lot of Skinny Cow sandwiches when the brand first came out. I’ve moved away from diet ice cream since but still remember enjoying those Weight Watchers cookie dough sundaes.

I love their cookie dough sundaes. I don’t eat them much, but they’re good.

As a child of divorce at 9, I instinctively knew it was cheap and low when one parent badmouthed the other to me.

Everyone makes such a big deal out of this that I’ve tried it twice, a few years apart. Both times I had the same reaction: tastes like I added cayenne. Good, but I could achieve the exact same effect by...adding cayenne.

I’ve reached the point where I tune out the second I read/hear the word “lifestyle.”

I thought YogaIsRacist.

Thank you. She was a great person and deserved a lot better out of life.

I love air conditioning. I hate heat. Neverthless, it’s true that Americans go way overboard on the AC. I don’t want it to be 80 inside ever but it doesn’t need to be 65 in summer either.

I live in the upper Midwest. It happens at least once every winter. This climate does not forgive drunken mistakes easily.

I’m pretty hardy in regards to cold, but even with that and dressing appropriately, my fingers start to hurt pretty quickly.

Maybe I’m just old, but every time I read in the news about people doing stupid stuff, I just assume they’re stupid drunk. There’s a whole big thread here about the social factors that go into people choosing to dress inappropriately for the weather. She was drunk. She wasn’t trying to impress anyone or be a boy’s arm

I like to think the jack up the indoors heat where I live to make it less awful to go outside into 0F. But I think I’m actually the only one who finds 80 inside just as awful as 0 outside.