
The thing that’s been lost to time with Batman 89 is that young filmmakers are now never handed the keys to such well known IP and allowed to do something weird and personal with it. Reeves had to map out exactly where he wanted to go — Batman meets Se7en — and he wasn’t allowed to deviate from that pitch. Later

I actually do love him in this movie, and I love this movie in general. It’s completely ridiculous, but it’s a visual feast and has a camp fantasy feel to it that I think is terrific. Sean Bean is actually Sean Bee-n in this, because he’s like... a hybrid bee-man? So dumb, I fucking adore it.

Jupiter Ascending is a fantastic movie to watch... when you’re high.

I live on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean, so sorry for not knowing which UK tabloid is the worst. If they were going to make something up at of whole cloth, I would hope they could do better than tears and special salad dressing.

Maybe it is just me, and my weird preferences... but somehow describing a sandwich with the word CRUNCH just makes my brain recoil in horror.  Like, that is not a selling point I am looking for.  Also, I would not use Crunch to describe lettuce and/or fresh onions.  Crisp perhaps but not crunch.  

There were two separate moments in this episode with people advocating for the smallfolk: Mysaria and her “please stop using turning children into murder slaves” moment, and Alicent who says that a queen should want to prevent her people from suffering (when she’s talking to Rhaenys). Then the show goes “nah, we don’t

Yeah, Taco Bell is pricey. But a la carte killed his budget. He could’ve combo’d some of that. And if he earned a Fire tier reward in the app he could’ve got some of that for “free”, assuming he’s eaten at a Taco Bell before. In L.A. I get offered those nachos all the time:

True, i read that it was inspired by her marriage to Jonze. there was also that rumour that Anna Farris’s character was based on Cameron Diaz, but Coppola has just said it’s based on a few people who are a bubbly, extroverted blonde type.

Oh I have no idea, but it makes sense given that Ribisi’s character was apparently a photographer of pop stars.

They think you’re sexualizing an underage girl, because your post has the word “sexier” in it. Despite that obviously being the opposite of the point you’re making.

Fair enough. But many don’t have that freedom.

Wait, you have 2-3 free hours a day to sit around making a meal?

I made vegetarian dressing/stuffing with lentils seasoned like “sagey sausage” that were a big hit one thanksgiving. 

Lentils are an amazing ingredient and I love them but they’re not a replacement for meat in taste nor texture, they’re their own being, and thus not a replacement for replacement meats.

I find myself having various strains of law & order or Chicago shows on in the background while I'm terminally online.  And I will actively bitch about how they are copaganda while I'm doing it! 

American Dad went even more into that , nobody seemed to give a crap about the show , and consequently the new writers could do whatever the hell they wanted ..hence stuff like “Rabbit Ears” which is amazing.

The last standout good episode was last year’s Customer of the Week. A rare Louis centered episode where she steadily becomes a homicidal maniac bc she feels unseen by the employees of her local Starbucks.

And even a bad episode can still have a quality cutaway or two. A bad Simpsons episode is just lukewarm and sad.

We still watch every episode of both Simpsons and Family Guy and let me tell you, 2020's Family Guy is a million billion times funnier than 2020's Simpsons - and that’s not me heaping praise on Family Guy.

It was more than on-set behavior. He was harassing fans and they had the texts to prove it. There was no cliffhanger. Also, it was an action beat in the season 5 finale they turned into a death and had to remove him digitally from scenes after that moment they were unable to reshoot or edit around.