
This. Writers at the AVClub might be surprised to know that acting is a craft, one that most spend years, even decades studying and practicing in order to attain proficiency.

I agree with you that no one watches. But HBO is weird sometimes with critical darlings. You are also right though in that I have no idea what the continuity thread is.

Sometimes “williamsburg” refers to a mindset, not the actual location.

He’s lets the other brother get on with his work uninterrupted though - he’s not going to stick his beak in.

He likes his budgets Reubenesque.

I do eat a lot of Impossible and Beyond products when I go out to eat and the nutrition of it is usually the last thing I care about. Similar to when anyone goes out to get a fast food burger.
In my opinion as someone who had to eat a lot of veggie burgers over the last decade, I am really enjoying having options that

The off-putting, recently-joined-a-cult vibe of their cashiers

I would bet on both the union-busting and the NYU-is-a-crappy-landlord angles. The wine store was basically downstairs from one of their largest dorms, and within blocks of at least four others I can think of offhand, so yeah, I’m sure there were a lot of NYU kids who learned to shop for wine there. (Note that there

Content-wise? It’s less bad than Wilson’s response, but it’s rarely, if ever, a good idea to DM a stranger.

I think the fact that Jimmy is in prison may go a long way toward Cheryl feeling satisfied that someone is paying for Howard’s death. She didn’t like Jimmy anyway.

I thought it was a serviceable ending. I didn’t hate it, but I wasn’t captivated by it or anything.

I’m glad diet sodas got rid of aspartame in favor of sucralose, because the nasty taste of sucralose finally cured my diet soda addiction.

My take too. But they keep talking about how sad it is. Personally , if Jimmy gets time and Kim waits , that’s not so bad. They can still have a life together one day. I just don’t want a death . Neither of them deserve that. Neither of them were in the game. Say what you want about Saul - he was a shady character,

The argument would be that as producer he should have hired a competent armorer, but nobody has really confirmed if he was “that kind” of producer. Of course the follow-up is that he’s Alec Baldwin, and if a gun misfires on set twice that week, he should talk to whoever is “that kind” of producer to tell them to find

I like this

And 10 years from then is now, remember, so we can jump to the happy ending without needing flying cars in the background (just electric ones).

My biggest guess is that it’ll end with Kim having to testify against Jimmy as it seems like the most tragic ending to a show that is essentially a tragedy.

Is there anything Popeye’s does poorly? Every other fast food place has some clunkers, like I would have to be desperate and with no other choices to ever order a plain McDs hamburger, but as far as I recall, Popeyes does not have any “do not order, ever” on the menu - but I admit I don’t stray too deep into the menu

Irrespective of the film’s quality (FWIW I judged the sequel to be fine), Cohen is a skilled performer and she more than held her own alongside him, which I found fairly impressive.

They’re probably there so there’s a group the predator can just slaughter while the audience cheers.