
Yeah I need to try those- I have had some success using the liquid version to make an Iranian frittata with greek yogurt that was pretty good. The most annoying thing about not being egg intolerant is all the different forms eggs can be cooked in. I had no luck with cooking Just Egg in a shaksouka. Hopefully someone

Good to know - depends what you want it for I guess.

So I’m wondering if either of the liquid “veggs” would taste better if you seasoned them well - clearly that went a long way in making the tofu taste good.

Just Egg reminded me of banh xeo (Vietnamese crepe) batter first time I tried it. It cooks like it and has similar texture if you don’t fluff it up.

I am so excited for this show to be back.  My friends and I got into S1 pretty hard and were really worried it wasn’t going to get picked up for a second series.  I think the social commentary is biting and I genuinely like and enjoy these characters and this world, even if I have no interest in living in it!

I hope this show gains a bigger fan base this year, I love it. Great skewer of toxic hustle culture and the virtue society puts on workaholism, even though these are all unwell individuals. 

That quote’s been debunked thoroughly.

Freud called it the death instinct. The greed, corruption, and myopia is obvious and real but when it comes to making the planet inhabitable there’s also a more unconscious self-destructiveness here on the part of human kind that’s complex and layered. Too bad we probably won’t last long enough to figure it out.

As good as it is, ‘Everything...’ is already 20 min too long

Yeah, I think it’s just a crassly fond way of saying, like, “sampled” for him. If asked I think he probably thinks it’s kinda cool to “rip off” such a grim, grimy movie and repackage its premise as a tentpole blockbuster series for kids.

THAT’ WHAT IT WAS!!! He looks like a better Seth McFarlane

Yeah just watched his podcast and he looked clean shaven/skinny, looks much younger than he did in the last season of Always Sunny. I was worried something was wrong with him, but I think he just got into shape for this movie. He has a knack for changing his body in the name of art. 

In context it doesn’t even sound like he’s upset by the mimicry; he just offhandedly points it out while having something to say about Battle Royale.

I keep seeing articles, but I’ve never actually met someone who hates self-checkout.

It’s true lol he seems like Maeve’s son running around with her.

I think he’s quite a good actor as shown in Breaking Bad and Bojack Horseman. Don’t confuse a poorly written character for bad acting.

I might be imagining this (it’s been a while since I’ve watched season 6) but I always felt like at the end of the series they were dropping hints that Paulie might be compromised.

It wasn’t the ending.  It was that they rushed it and didn’t earn it.

What a brilliant fella. I will follow whatever the hell he does next with interest, but sure wish we got another season or two.

I love this show very much. The nice thing about it is that it isn’t this epic thing with wild character arcs that are getting devastatingly cut off. You can pretty much just watch whichever episode you feel like, like throwing on a soothing, gentle, oddly funny little album to suit what your mood might be at the