
This is a weird thing to get hung up on.

It’s an accepted risk purely on the studio. The actor had to do all the same amount of work, and they are union, no fucking around with getting paid.

Even beyond that, “Harvard” is just shorthand for “best college” in the cultural consciousness. Sure, Princeton, MIT, Stanford, etc. are nearly as well known, but might as well just slot Harvard in there and move in.

Well that goes back to the open secret that people don’t go to Harvard for an education,  they go for the connections. 

The archetype:

First - that’s great that the set made her feel comfortable.

Hey everyone, this guy has an anecdote. No need to worry about Covid anymore!

People underestimate the value of weekly rhythms and routines.  There’s a reason that the most popular sport in the U.S. is football, which plays one game a week.

Its alright but I found myself wishing Wes Anderson had done it instead which might be a weird take.

I noticed the same thing.

I think we all need to realise that Chris Nolan’s Brother can only do concepts and fuck-all else.

I think they had one season worth of show in their heads, and some leftover ideas that weren’t enough for a whole season but they stretched over season 2 anyway, and since then they’ve been spinning their wheels.

just the most non-sensical. I laugh laugh laugh at the weird explosion with Tessa Thompson’s character(not to slight Thompson), it all felt like someone else’s show.

I thought last season was so cheesy because they were in Sci-Fi City world and I thought it was going to be a fun twist, but it just felt like a lot of confused writers.

Harvey straight-up raped, blackmailed, and also beat up a lot of people. He’s very unambiguously a criminal, not just a creep. 

He’s making fun of Ted Seranos’ quote about Gervais and Chapelle

Jesus Christ, are you completely incapable of having a conversation?

Cash has never been slower in reality, especially if you are getting change back. I can literally scan my card at a register and walk out the door in seconds. You cant do that with cash

Do NOT try Sonic’s new Sour Patch Kids Float. It’s gross!

This is the exact thing I don’t understand, Netflix touts it’s service on everything. I have 2 young children and pay for 4 screens.