
It’s Rabin! Now bring back Sean O’Neil, Tasha Robinson, and Zodiac Motherfucker!

I can’t speak for others, but as someone who really enjoyed Seinfeld, for me personally, “The Betrayal” (the “backwards episode”) was technically impressive the first go-around, but was light on laughs (in either order), and I haven’t returned to it all that often.

Is it just me or has Pluto TV gotten super load to load channels?  I don’t watch it much, but I tuned in recently and I noticed they have a new UI design...and that it is just super slow.  I watch it through my PS4, so it might just be an issue with that specific platform.

Tubi’s gotta be the only company in the world whose fans are like “Thank you for providing ad-supported content”. I don’t watch it that often, but the library is pretty great (especially if you don’t have a massive disc collection) and the app has worked flawlessly for me on multiple devices. (no small deal, I used

that’s mostly how i remember it - in syndication, something to have on in the background while correcting papers or whatever. usually with something similar like King of Queens or Seinfeld on afterwards. certainly an above average sitcom

This feels very much like Sean Baker’s wheelhouse, a bittersweet and humane look at life in America’s fringes. Two of his earlier films The Florida Project and Red Rocket are both worth a watch (I really liked Tangerine as well, but it’s a little less structured and not the best gateway to his work). Baker’s win and

Oh snap Plemons got an acting award? He’s such an interesting actor I’m in. I’ve slowly come to the realization that between him shooting that kid as Todd in Breaking Bad and Civil War I’ve actually seen this dude in everything. Here here Meth Damon.

This is a thorough review that makes me want to see a film that I previously had absolutely no interest in before.  This is good work.

Obviously not canon, but David Michod’s The Rover (2014) more or less plays like a prequel to the first Mad Max. If Mad Max charts the beginning of the post-apocalypse, The Rover charts the last gasp of the old world desperately fighting a losing battle to maintain some semblance of order.

With Kinja and the current layout (remember the old box displaying the all recent TV reviews with their grades?), it will never be the same.

Blackballed from the subset of the industry where his résumé is relevant’ sounds plausible to me.

This is clearly asshole behavior and Knoxville needs to pay the man but is he really powerful enough to blackball not just some writer but Eric Andre? The writer I can believe but Andre’s hilarious and has an audience that doesn’t care what the Jackass guy thinks.

I know one of the producers (actually talked to him yesterday) and when he told me last year they were working on this he was a bit surprised I was familiar with it. Long way of saying I expect you’re right. To the extent that some Gen Xers like me have some positive recollection of the show that’s great, but they’re

He turned down a threesome because he “didn’t want to be an orgy guy.”

Right, because Jerry Seinfeld is known for his offensive rants.

Maybe but it’s not like they’re rape allegations. They’re just allegations of him being kind of a jerk. I don’t know that’s widely known as being a lovable, nice guy? I think he’s already known to be a bit obnoxious so there’s not much for anyone else to add.

it was just the right thing in the right place at the right time.

You can just make as many films as you want, you know.

When it aired about 3/4 of the way through I turned to my Dad and said ‘Is the series finale going to be a clip show?’

I think it depends on whether they become genuine collector’s items that people treasure for years/decades, or if most of them end up in landfills within a couple years.