
For me it’s his role in October Sky, so yes to your question. But I also agree that he’s best at playing freaks

Part of the charm of the original was how much suspension of disbelief it took that all that nonsense could even happen. Yeah the big bad might get away with bribing some town sheriff into looking the other way for a while but you can’t go around blowing buildings up, driving monster trucks through car dealerships and

I mean, it’s not like the original Road House was getting four-star (or even three-star) reviews when it came out. If I recall, it was pretty universally panned. But at least the original was entertaining.

Americans wouldn't watch it if it were set in Britain. 

American media loves to put out political satires that aren’t actually satirizing anything, they just have the tone of having  something important to say. See also: The Regime. 

I had the same “California Texas? What?!” reaction as a lot of people did, but both states are strongly “let me be me” in spirit, and they both have strong economies that could reinforce that “leave me tf alone” vibe. I think it’s kinda genius to represent those very different cultures on the ground as really similar

“Robbing” is a strong and inappropriate word. It would have been awesome to see Gladstone win because I really loved her performance, but Stone’s was also really incredible, and a much bigger part of her film. The award was up for grabs especially between the two of them, and not for Gladstone to lose.

Counterpoint: I think he dodged a major bullet by saying buh-by.

Never forget! If you deal drugs, rat on your buddies.

You’re really back at this?

100% correct.
Who is this show going to attract in its 3rd season???

They do know you can turn your phone on its side don’t they?

I agree the show would have benefitted from standing on its own and an extended episode order.

You can believe both that Night Country wasn’t that great and that Pizzolatto is being an unprofessional ass.

Now playing

I thought the Maury Povich sketch was funny/horrifying.

I think HBO Max has a TCM channel dedicated to old movies as well. I’ve never dug into it.

D Girl is a terrible goddamn episode.

One thing that stands out to me about The Sopranos is the way conflicts often don’t come to a head. We have certain expectations in a mob show, but on a show that is regularly violent, it’s surprising how often violence is not the inevitable outcome. The “clues” viewers are always on the lookout for don’t necessarily b

i can’t imagine why the author wouldn’t be rushing to read the comments 

As much as I liked the show, I think this makes sense. They got a lot of story out in season 2, covered a lot of ground, so I feel at peace.