
This is a widespread problem, but it always struck me as much less of a problem in British media than elsewhere. When your culture venerates a nonagenarian queen, it tends to have a little less emphasis on whatever the young hotness happens to be.

He had nothing to do with it? Surely as the creator of the show and the actor who portrays two of the main characters, he has some say in what the show is like, even if he doesn’t have a hand in the writing now.

Yeah, there was just a massive natural charisma that can’t be replicated through acting.  I’m more curious what the hell is going on with Hanks, who generally has great instincts.

I’ve never been in the camp that an actor needs to fully resemble real-life people they’re portraying (it’s led to some terrible fat suit prosthetics in recent years) but some are so iconic that it’s distracting if they don’t. Elvis falls into that category.

Reasonable comments!?

But he drugged people.

Now, you, sir, are just trying to start some sort of fight.

I’m guessing you don’t actually know much about CPUs huh lol.

I don’t know what it is, but something has clearly changed behind the scenes at GMG in the recent past.

does anyone ever say anything positive in the comments anymore? or is it always a gripefest.

Gaspar is cool, this looks cool, I’m interested in seeing it.

Found one!

Have they done everything else? Because everything Star Wars feels pretty similar and often features the same characters or their family.

This whole comments section is cool, but also why would Samuel L. Jackson host SNL? In the past decade, has he made a movie for which he would be the logical cast member to host SNL?

This is true, but by the same token, tours at this scale also have contingency plans for when the stars can’t perform. There was certainly a drum tech or somebody who was pulling duty as a backup touring drummer in case of an accident or a medical issue. I think much more of the stress would’ve been tied up in the

Hell, I figure if anyone can keep a DVD rental business solvent in this day and age, it would probably be the financial geniuses who are apparently still able to make a profit selling motherfucking Chicken Soup for the Soul. But yeah, probably doesn’t bode well for their selection, unless you are interested in The

You just need to reach out and apply. At this point it’s just passive aggressive.

I’m reading that as just someone saying in a light-hearted, trash-talking tone. Like they’re at a sporting game. Not someone who’s trying to tear down another for the point of being mean spirited and insulting. So this is no big deal to me. 

So internet prankster sends out prank internet press release stating... Wendy’s is opening restaurants in Iceland?

This is a garbage take.

Star Trek 2 was a real treat for all us Trek-heads. Love the San Francisco scenery! Five bags of popcorn.