
“Weird will be available to stream on the Roku Channel this fall, giving those of us with an Apple TV or a Fire Stick or regular cable a few months to figure out how to get the Roku Channel.“

In LA specifically (and CA more generally), there are good reasons for housing to be so much more expensive now than in the 90s and even mid 2010s. There are more households (Millennials) being formed and having kids in the last 6 years than ever before. This puts buy pressure on bigger places, specifically single

A ludicrious review with a headline spoiler. Nothing would surprise me from AV now after the knives brought to the entertaining The Offer. But to think this tense, twisting, frequently shocking finale — which brings back many characters from other seaons and resovles storylines and relationships — is “baffling” and

Change the headline. Why would you do this?

Change the headline or remove this article! Idiots.

Yeah, I was around for that. He was disgusting. A lot of the martial arts guys with similar business models behaved in the same or similar ways back then. I’m not a big conspiracy theory guy, but it really is interesting that sexual misconduct seemed to be baked into the business model.

The fuck is wrong with you people?

Come on guys, did you have to post that obvious a spoiler on the front page?

Building the franchise locations in a modular fashion and then dropping them off, turn-key, using recycled shipping containers, is a brilliant idea! Just get the paperwork in order, them plop that fucker down somewhere. Wonder what the start-up cost for a store is?

People avoid process servers, often just for the heck of it—to annoy the other side and make them spend money trying to serve papers. In this case, it’s more likely that it was simply a matter that Wilde was staying in Vegas incognito, and/or she has security to keep fans/press/people obsessed with her boyfriend away

It seems odd that Sudeikis, or a representative for him, should even have to give a perfunctory statement explaining that they would have had literally no control or foreknowledge of something like this.

Dou you know how you prevent shit like that of happening to you?

When a process server look for you at your home address or office you receive him or make an appointment for a later date, instead of trying to avoid and dodge it, because that’s how you get this kind of situation. Respect the job of the others and they

Counterpoint: if you’re making $25 an hour, and you have to serve papers to a rich person who doesn’t have a regular place of business, hell yeah catch them at a scheduled appearance. My man still has people to serve, he’s the Amazon driver of legal badnitude. He’s not gonna wait for her talk to be over so he has to

Hard not to watch John C Reilly in those clothes as Dr Buss and not understand that they are going for some degree of comedy though 

He’s 83. Can hardly blame a man for being concerned that this is the image that will live on forever after he’s gone. I wouldn’t “leave it alone” either.

I’m kind of with West on this one. While it seems similar to “The Crown” upsetting a bunch of British royals, their gripe seems to be more that some show would have the temerity to reveal a bunch of negative stuff about British royalty, and reveal that they’re actually *gasp* bad people. Whereas HBO did a patently

Ever seen Fringe, which he co-created? I think it’s even better than The X-Files.

When I looked at the Wikipedia page and saw that there were like 5 production companies involved with the show over the run of the series - some only for a season or two - my line of thinking was that it’s probably very difficult to corral rights from all of those entities (assuming the non-NBC Studios companies are st

For me, if I’m watching something based on a true story, it’s got to have a certain level of accuracy to it. Not word for word but I should feel the events and people are by and large as they were, otherwise it’s just disinformation and leaves me less knowledgeable on the subject than I was before. The more I read

doesn’t bother me or anything but i think the funniest part of the show is that they have the tv lakers losing games they won in real life.