
Counterpoint: he is being described as some kind of maniac, one who needs to be high or loaded all the time.

This kid is going places. Mainly places that I would never want to go.

“There has been zero change in the way comedy is run”

Because The Oscars are losing their relevancy, or because climate change is going to turn the Earth into an unlivable hellscape by 2032?

This is the thing. It may sound impressive to say that you record everything, but in court, that will actually probably matter very little. Sure, you’ve got video of your songwriting session, but did you also videotape your drive to the studio with the radio on? Or when you cooked dinner last night while listening to

Or a Will Smith, for that matter...

There’ll be an Oscars.  Whether it will be broadcast, there’s the real question.  But I hear radio is growing in popularity...

Too bad they already ruined the far future with Discovery. God, I hate that show. 

They aren't good by any means. But like Taco Bell, Sbarro has been there for me at my lowest points. There's something comforting about a soulless pizza when you're questioning your life choices. 

Every article on the Takeout thats writen by a waiter is just ridiculous garbage. Yes, we will continue to have the waiter split the order. No I  will not tip 30%.

And though it felt like a failure at the time, James Gunn’s The Suicide Squad

Welcome to the press release era of AV Club.

I listened to ~15 minutes this morning, then used this feature on my podcast app that allows me to pause an episode’s playback so I can resume playing the episode at a later date. It’s a neat feature and life’s been better since I’ve stopped having to put aside PTO to catch up on Hardcore History.

“Don’t look at the internet until you’re caught up on all your popular culture.” Got it.

Eh, it’s not the end of the world; I just think it’s lame for the AVClub to broadcast what happened within the headline when the joy of the bit is the surprise. 

The headline spoils the gag, dummy.

Aw, I haven’t listened that far into the episode and the headline ruined the bit. It’s still a funny bit, but thanks for diminishing it.

I’m sure plenty of people miss the point, but most just probably see it and think “it’d probably be cool to be in the Mafia.”

Is it even controversial to say that Elf is better than Love Actually?  I don’t even dislike the latter, but come on!

I mean, theatre nerds surely knew who he was from In the Heights, but I feel that it’s more than fair to say Hamilton made him a household name.