
Yep, this. Season 2 improved vastly upon rewatch for me personally. It’s still not perfect by any stretch - the plot is not quite laid out clearly enough and the characters’ brooding gets to the point of absurdity - but it is better than it gets credit for. Even Vaughn’s performance seemed pretty okay the second time

I think if season 2 hadnt been following one of the best seasons of TV of the last 2 decades it would play a lot better. I watched it with people who had no expectations because they hadn’t seen the first season and it got a very positive response yes, even the Vince Vaughn stuff.

I’d put forth that Nic Pizzolatto’s finest work of the last five years was his appearance on Andy Daly’s podcast Bonanas for Bonanza. He was extremely well versed in Daly’s canon, and it was amazing.

And he’s right! Everything involving Judy has just been wonderful.

I’d watch it if it were made into a terrible, unfunny ‘80s-style sitcom like Small Wonder.

I think it’s been less consistent over the last few years but still has some funny stuff. One problem I have with the website is that I think it’s more disorganized than it used to me; they don’t always have the newest material on the top of the page(yes, I know about the LATEST button). I know they haven’t had a

Discovery is doing that this season — like they’ve literally left the galaxy — but it’s still dragging quite a bit. I’d argue that what they actually need to do to fulfill their promise of “exploring something new every week” is return to more of an episodic structure.

A lot of these genre shows are trying too hard to

The problem runs deeper. They’re way more interested in navel-gazing, emotions, and spoon-feeding morals about self-care than exploring any kind of final frontier.

More like they wrote Discovery into the future and then forgot how to write.

I think they need more creative showrunners or something.

But there are forehead ridges and bumps yet to be discovered!

I’m so sick of them rehashing different versions of Star Trek’s past. Yeah, Voyager mostly was a train wreck, but TNG and DS9 show it can be done well. Move on, it’s a big universe.

It’s about time that someone finally did something with Captain Kirk.  He’s such an underutilized character.

Gilligan’s Island ?!? Is this some internet in-joke of which I’m unaware, or just a dumb mistake? Or have I finally lost it, and my memory is completely shot? Did Don Adams play Gomez Addams? Were there really two different Darrens?

Probably all of those actors would have made something special of the part. It’s just a reflex to imagine Brando when anyone says the word “Godfather.”

I don’t think the name Marilyn Manson is any different from names like Black Sabbath, Judas Priest, Anthrax, and Alice in Chains — names to let a teen feel like he’s being badass by listening to something his parents wouldn’t like. I don’t think it tells us much of anything about Warner as a person.

Zero chance that Gret Gerwig and Noah Baumbach signed on for a Barbie that isn’t at least a little subversive.

Where did you see me defending him? I didn’t say he didn’t deserve to get hit. I’m saying that if you hit someone, and they fucking DIE, then you can reasonably expect some jail time. 

He punched a 77 year-old, who then died.  I’d say two years’ house arrest is more than fair.  “He was old and might have died anyway” isn’t much of a defense.

Do we really have to rehash why unauthorized biographies, documentaries, etc. exist, and are typically superior in their ability to present unbiased accounts?