
Huh?  Who in the Western world has ever said that Americans are open-minded and progressive about sex?

What a weird complaint.

American version = silly schmaltz

i think ‘groundbreaking’ is a bit of a stretch considering it’s an adaptation. this was a good version of something that had already broken ground.

Not really. It’d be on the production that housed her husband there. No need to be so defensive, surely despite being a lovely place it has some places that aren’t fun to be in Covid isolation.

I think the public loves Murray as a human meme with all the “your friends will never believe you!” stories and normo-party-crashing antics, but it sounds like he’s pretty difficult to actually work with and actually a pretty prickly guy.

I have one who asks to be let out on occasion, but mostly just curls up under a shade tree for a while, then asks to be let back in. The other two, along with all cats I’ve raised as indoor kitties and most that I’ve converted to that lifestyle, seem quite content with their lot.

I’m a little worried to give my dogs a raw diet due to pathogens found in raw meat like salmonella and E. coli. 

Or like when they did the Crown Heights case, where there was a riot and a random Jew was killed because the crowd blamed another Jew for something. But in the L&O version, the guy’s not even Jewish! Psych!

It’s always been really weird that Ice-T (with his 90s hit “Cop Killer” which shocked the nation with the notion that cops may be people that people, not necessarily just criminals, hate) acts in SVU.


I think he and HBO are wildly overestimating how much anyone gives a shit about GoT anymore. Nobody cares if he finishes The Winds of Winter. Nobody cares about House of the Dragon. The only thing anyone has to say about the show now is what a disappointment and a waste of time it turned out to be. It's done. It's

No. Stop. Stop it. We know. American New Wave directors don’t think they make movies like they used to. This is not a story. Stop trying to make this a story. We know.

Midge has good qualities and bad qualities. Why do we have to deem a female character terrible every time she has substantial flaws? Most people have substantial flaws.

C’mon, have you BEEN to Florida?  It’s where people go when they’ve been run out of every other state in the country and are about to be pushed out to sea on a raft.  I’m not talking about Naples, Palm Beach or Ponta Vedra.  There’s like 8,000 miles of coast to work with!

My mom is sensitive to wheat, not gluten, but the whole “gluten free” craze has led to a massive rise in foods she can eat, so as stupid as the people who are avoiding gluten for fantasy reasons are, they have actually made a positive impact on the market for those who are affected.

He’s an extremely talented comedy writer

Have you given the show a chance? It’s changed a lot over the years but it’s had some great moments.

To do it at the level guys like DiMaggio and West do, where they’re voicing multiple characters who have to sound distinct, doing recognisable impressions of other people, sometimes singing in various voices, is a specific skill that few people have. It should be valued, no matter how much time is spent on physically

She was really unforgettable in the film. RIP.