
How so? There was no malice, so serious charges wouldn’t stick, and less serious charges (whatever the foreign equivalents of manslaughter are) seem dubious. I’m not especially familiar with criminal law outside the US, but this doesn’t seem like a case of the US legal system being particularly broken. (Not there’s a

a good writer could do a lot with those powers, if he redefines their limits. One twin can do any animal, even made up ones, like a fuckin dragon or a 100ft tall gorilla or something- the other one, you can do a lot of shit with water-give him an upgrade so he can freeze. X-Men’s Iceman is an omega level mutant.

Let's just all decide as a planet right now that the Olympics suck and we shouldn't have them anymore. 

Wait ellish dates a Kardashian sister?

ye ye cummings

I dunno if you’ve seen Eilish outside of the burlap sack outfits but she’s built like a brick shit house. Kanye would be pulling his MAGA cap out of his colon if she decided to throw down.

If there was I doubt it would be cheaper than $5 for one month of Peacock Premium (and then canceling of course).

I genuinely think “Who asked for this?” is one of the worst modern day criticisms of media, and it’s everywhere. It’s an extremely thin criticism to begin with, but it’s also incredibly solipsistic.

I’m beginning to wonder if I now just don’t like movies. It is rare for me to be watching a movie these days and not be feeling like I wish it would end so I can get to the next streaming show on my list instead.

People get the point. They just don’t like the movie. The fact that people like you and the makers of the film seem to think that’s impossible is really ridiculous.

What, it just so happens that literally every notable event in Han Solo’s life prior to ANH occurred within the space of a week.

Yes and no

AVClub Writer: Hey, got an article here about an upcoming Kristen Wiig project.

It’s self-important horse shit that pretends to say something while saying nothing at all...similar to McKay’s last Oscar bait film, Vice. Baiting works. I’m just glad it didn’t get any acting nods...

Don’t Look Up being nominated for anything is criminal

As someone in recovery, the dealers were often really nice people just dealt a bad hand economically, so there was always sort of a responsibility to each other as seller and buyer. I really understood that not being able to pay puts my dealer in a scary situation too. Then whoever was the supplier for my dealer was

My sense is that Laurie lost her ability to have any actual feelings long ago, and that giving her that huge suitcase was a win/win. She’d either make a ton of money off it, or get a new soldier.

Yes! I also see her in my mind as Martha, Costco employee, from Baskets.

And the GOP lol’s to victory as progressives eat themselves again over minutiae. Do you want voting rights for all or Awkwafina doing a blaccent? Do you want universal healthcare or Joe Rogan on Spotify. Every one of the teacup tempests alienates just a little more of the moderate vote we need to enact what we want.

Digging into what school she went to in order to more correctly police the way she talks is only even more annoying and stupid than the conversation was to begin with.