Accomplice: Ok Aaron, in and out, no evidence. We hit the target, and leave.
Accomplice: Ok Aaron, in and out, no evidence. We hit the target, and leave.
this is the creepiest thing I have seen on the interwebthing ever.
"After further review, it has been determined that the ball carrier was not facing Mecca at the time of his celebration; therefore the penalty stands."
Two different four-year-old sons? If only AD's father had hit him in the scrotum with a switch.
Listen, last month you overhauled your entire comment system to prevent people from posting stomach-churning images of overweight whores shoveling a bunch of diarrhea into their mouths, and now you're doing it yourselves? Make up your mind!
Pro tip: offer to hold the baby for a bit. I've taken LAX to east coast red eye a handful of times last fall and sat next to a mom with a newborn twice. I held the baby and let the mom get comfortable and situated and those little suckers slept almost the entire time. Get your karma on!
Maybe they work and that's the only flight available. Maybe it's a crowded route. Why do you take fucking redeye flights? Well, parents with kids take them for the same reason. They have to travel, too. The rest of the world doesn't revolve around you - get earplugs like the rest of us, asshole.
then like the answer to everything else, buy first class. Its a bus in the sky, don't expect the finer examples of human society exclusively on them. Its the same thing as complaining about kids at a chain restaurant, what do you expect?
Wow, you really showed that kid you're tougher than him.
People die from cars - a lot. Speeders should go to jail well before we send weed users/dealers. Of course, our legal system isn't based on science or even logic.
Or if you're Catholic, get smashed at church and meet someone nice.
Oh goodie! I get to tell one of my favorite NOLA stories now. I lived there for a few years and wondered why so many born and raised NOLA folk had never lived anywhere else and many had never even left the city EVER. I met a woman who told me a story about the time she tried to leave. She said "I was accepted at…
This map does not include Guy Fieri's American Kitchen & Bar so it's rubbish.
The fact that McSorley's Old Ale House isn't on there completely invalidates this entire map, even though they've included some of my favorites.
That's nothing. You should check out this simple trick my neighbor has been using to make money from home. Last week he made like $37.