
How about free things like the most expensive military on earth, by leaps and bounds?

The character of Borat was plenty offensive to the people of Kazakhstan, I’d wager.

Can we give Cohen some sort of a permanent government post or something? This shit is valuable.

Not sure why Iran doesn’t just tweet this back at him . . .

Just remember there are also a bunch of psychopaths in there who think everything is going fucking great!

Moment. Over, fuck them.

Seriously, why is Pete Davidson a thing? I’ve never seen him do one funny thing. As far as I can tell he is devoid of talent.

Joe Leiberman is more personally responsible than most for fucking this country up. Oh, you don’t like the public option, how about permanent public shame you deputy-dog looking motherfucker!?

I just love how his aides had to put the word “ACCEPT” in caps just to make sure he didn’t get confused and say the opposite.

In this case, Trump said there was no “colusion” which is, technically, correct since “colusion” is not an actual word. MAGA?

In point of fact: The Nazi party, run by Hitler, won a majority of seats in the Reichstag, through democratic elections. After which, Hindenburg appointed Hitler Chancellor, then, on August 19th, 1934 a referendum was held to vote on the following proposition:

Protest is protected by the 1st amendment.

Motherfucker, Trump just called the press the “enemy of the people”. What, do you think he’s gonna march out with a hat that says, “I’m a fascist now” and then, and only then, will he “officially” be a fascist?

Hitler was elected Mr. Smarty Pants.

You are not making a good faith argument. Go read that from a fucking book asshole.