Definitely top 10.
Definitely top 10.
He makes a big deal about it.
Not paying federal taxes can result in you going to jail. Which was my point in the first place.
Look at the Mr. King in his Castle over here. Thoreau not good enough for you? Is Debs also “mom does my laundry” territory? It’s not like it’s an uncommon sentiment. Donating to the ACLU isn’t stopping this from happening.
As in:
I didn’t say “anything” I said “enough”.
We’ve already failed the “what would you do if you were alive in Germany when the Nazi’s were coming to power test.” That lady that climbed the Statue of Liberty passes, but the rest of us fail.
The sight of American Catholics breaking off and forming their own version of greedy-warmongering-christianity with no one mentioning the obvious fact that their new religion has almost nothing in common with Christianity, as it is commonly understood, is pretty breathtaking. Chill Pope could almost certainly…
I increasingly believe that the only way through is just to let them go all the way. We might not make it out the other side, but as long as we lefties continue to mitigate the disaster of their fondest policy wishes, they get to continue scapegoating us for their inevitable failures. It’s either that or re-education…
Those kids are still held in black sites, the press is not allowed in. Some percentage of them will never be reunited with their parents. A government kidnaps children, some of whom are asylum seekers, and never returns them to their parents. Does that sound like a “western democracy” to you?
He definitely went to a Mexican restaurant, specifically to provoke this reaction, so that Charlie Kirk can tweet about it.
Guaranteed, he’s there to own the libs. That’s the only motivation this twerp is capable of.
What’s with these motherfuckers eating Mexican food? In the case of Stevie here, it’s got to be a troll reaction to Nazi Barbie getting the justice treatment the other day. They should be permanently barred from eating anything other than potatoes and boiled meat.
Yeah, there’s a place for them. Right here. This is hell world. There’s a place for all of us in it.
Hitler was elected in a Republic. Fox News is Republican State Television. And it would only take one major terrorist attack for the rest of the media to either fall in line or for Trump to impose limits on them that would not be challenged. The rule of law is under constant, direct assault by this president, and the…
White supremacy is fascism, just waiting for state power to endorse it. Trump is literally one step away from that complete endorsement. You want to wait until there are literally gas chambers. Then, and only then, are we allowed to use the word fascism? Give me a break.