
Propaganda works - and they are using it effectively. Whatever we are currently doing is not working, so . . . .

Propaganda, which is what this all is, which is, in fact, the type of war we are engaged in, doesn’t deal in in-betweens. Calling a potentially radicalized person a loser doesn’t much help because they probably already think of themselves that way. I am not advocating for an accurate description of the actual person

When you are propagandizing about your enemies it is always better to describe them as evil genius’ - as dangerous as a cornered bear and always probing for weakness. It gets your side’s back into the fight. If you describe them as idiots, or “losers” it makes them seem less dangerous and makes people feel like they


Agreed. Thanks for disabusing of my temporary notion.

I get the feeling I’d approve of this reference if I understood it.

She sucks, for sure, it was just that I found her pure derision and open display of disgust for that lump of shit momentarily charming.

I love how she smacks his filthy mitt away. Seriously, this swung my Melania needle, that has been deep in “disgust” territory for the past few weeks, every so slightly back to “pity”.

You are right of course, I should have specified “the stock market” which is how the nightly news reports on the state of the economy. Since unemployment is already low, the yokels see the Dow industrial going up and think that it means they are better off, when if fact, they are the same, or worse.

Let’s just agree to disagree, my opinion is that you are too optimistic about the outcome of the Mueller investigation and I simply believe that no fact is so egregious that it will spur Republicans to impeach Trump. You clearly think I am too pessimistic, and maybe you are right. I guess Dem’s are going to play it

I tend to think you are right, which is why liberals hanging their hopes on facts and evidence are making a big mistake. This is a political fight, not a legal one.

This is a totally awesome argument.

Trump isn’t getting impeached and if, by some chance, he does get impeached, it will not be the result of Democrats acting responsibly and ruminating over evidence. It will be because Republicans decide that it is better for them, politically, for him to be gone. That happens when they start losing winnable elections.

I’m sorry but impeachment is a political process, not a legal one. The House is not a court of law and the articles of impeachment are not a legal ruling - they are a piece of legislation.

Is that so Fancy Bear staffer?

So you must be pretty up in arms about your God Emperor and his loose lips, with their sinking ships and all, right?

This is a mealy-mouthed, poll-tested answer and is precisely the reason that Democrats are losing in the current political climate. Facts do not matter anymore, only marketing.

These motherfuckers are all a bunch of traitorous bastards who deserve to be locked up. In a world in which “justice” was anything more than a marketing slogan, they would be. 

Have you ever actually watched fox news? Clinton had the undeniable facts. Trump lied the entire time and admitted, on tape, to sexual assault. The only thing that matters now is turning out the base in 2018 and they are already convinced. Trump’s corruption is undeniable, and has been since day one of his presidency,

Impeachment is an inherently political process, not a legal one. And we live in a time of perpetual campaign. Those are the facts.