
10 years later and still no memristor.... 

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“Bonehead Mercenaries Behind Failed Coup in Venezuela Plagiarized Website”

as long as they arent having sex with it..

You’d think after picking over the corpse of pebble they could finally release a better product that the one they dissected.

Comic Tropes on YouTube did a minidoc on the Mexican divergent Spider Man stories. What was really notable was how the artist really leaned into drawing Gwen Stacy. And, I mean, Dayuum, did he ever.

It is internet law that if someone posts about GoldenEye, that image must be shared in the comments. Thank you. 

As much as I respect countries that want their relics back, isn’t it safer to have them spread around the world to protect a collection from religious nuts and super powers that want to dispose of ruling governments

Well, not quite. Jean is the aunt/grandmother of Nate and Rachel, depending on how you want to address the clone issue. She is likely the mother of Nate Grey, tho?

Why should I trust the crooks in politics to decide? I earned it and I should decide what to do with it, period!

You people are all just like the Bolsheviks who STARVED millions of Ukrainians to death by conficating all the food they grew for “redistribution” to their tables! The same people who murdered the last Tsar and his entire family and created the Soviet Union. Your evil plan will not succeed in my belov’d home!

I was looking for the /s; did you forget it, or what? I mean, I’m finding it difficult that someone actually believes politicians the better choice when deciding who handles YOUR money. Or were you serious, and also inconsistent with you your beliefs? That it’s only people who earn more than YOU, that should have

especially because a great deal of them seem only interested in using that money to fund bigoted/misogynistic/reactionary politics

I never understood vests. My extremities get cold before my torso does.

To be fair, he made his fortune inventing the Toupee Beret.

Didn’t say it was, did say that just saying “coup” a lot in relation to opposition to Maduro isn’t a fair reading of the situation.

me: OMG, LOOK, It’s Ong’s Hat!
internet: Where?
me: Eh, he’s gone, he said you should keep wasting your life though.

No one is getting rid of ICE. Not one president from either party has tried it and none will, because it’s a bad idea. This isn’t fairy tale land where everyone can live happily just letting people come and go from every country in the world. We as a country have a finite amount of something almost everyone else

I wonder if this has to do with the massive migration they’ve been getting lately. I don’t want to be disrespectful, but some migrants come from societies that make women cover all of themselves, and in their culture if a woman is uncovered she’s inviting men to rape her.

Just remember, the assaults are totally not from the Muslim refugees.


Not a one.

We’re not concerned with whether or not rational humans with intelligent, well formed opinions will be able to continue discourse in a world where dumbfuck-baiting d-list shock jocks can’t find a company willing to play accomplish to their peddling of bullshit to dumbfucks.