
Another question I had is if Namor noticed the huge celestial coming out of the ocean and if he found out what it was

The only aspect I’m being nitpicky about is that in the trailer it seems like Jet cares too much about Faye and considers her part of the team. In the anime, although each character really care about each other, they almost always act like they're indifferent to the others


You're actually describing Socialism

Correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t this the first episode of the series where no human being dies?

If Amazon doesn't do it, someone else will...

Sanctions until very recently have been against high ranking government officials. There is still trade between USA and Venezuela, if I go to the supermarket here in Caracas I’ll see many products from anywhere in the world, although unaffordable to the great majority of the population.

Venezuela is not an country of tribes, we don’t have religions fighting for power here. Not every country USA has invaded has turned into hell, look at Kuwait. Venezuelan people will be forever grateful to Trump if he helps us remove this dictatorship.

It’s fun how the left cares more for Venezuelan oil than us the Venezuelan people, suffering under a repressive governmenr

I apologise for my typos, my screen is cracked and it makes it hard to type

You have a point, I am deviating from the article, and of course it doesn’t provide the race or nationality of the perpetrators. It doesn’t mention if the is just one man implicated in the sexual assaults or if there are many and wether they are acting alone or not. I will not make any more assumptions.

Well, actually, you are correct, if there were no men then rape would be almost unexistent. But I’m sorry if you understood that I wanted the elimination of all men, I didn’t mean that, the great majority of men are not perverts. What I’m trying to say is that there are many situations that make rape more probable to

I thank you for your response, this is no sarcasm. You may be right that the culture could not be a factor on the rise of rapes and sexual assaults on Europe. But it’s true that when you group a lot of men together in an area of a city then criminal gangs will be created, especially if those men are young, uneducated

I would hope the rapist to be jailed for a really log time if not the rest of his life. But you see, every society have rapists, why would any country allow situations (like the accomodation of massive numbers of migrant men) that would allow more rapes occur inside its borders?

I don’t know the numbers of Eastern European migration in the UK, sorry. But if that migration wave was 75% men or more then I’m sure the crime went also up in certain areas. You see, many migrants move to another country with their families looking for a better future, I’m not opposing that. But when you have massive

Tell that to the parents of the girls that have been raped by men that entered the country using the very generous migration system that exist nowadays in the UK.

White men are as capable of rape as any other race. But the UK has been receiving massive waves of migrats that are more than 75% males between 18 and 45 years old. Crime have gone up in certain areas where migrants live and I’m sure if these migrant were white the crime would still go up. The problem isn’t the race

I wonder if this has to do with the massive migration they’ve been getting lately. I don’t want to be disrespectful, but some migrants come from societies that make women cover all of themselves, and in their culture if a woman is uncovered she’s inviting men to rape her.

I see this hurting Japanese and Korean shows the most, and I watch a lot of those on Netflix.