
Shit, I know I’m not God’s gift to women. If anything, I’m God’s proof to women that God doesn’t exist.

I assume the kids call you “dragon-lady” too. You wonderful box of sunshine you 8-P

This was such an honest and inspiring read.

Long term relationships—the meaningful ones—require work and sometimes things aren’t pretty and all hearts and flowers. Some people seem to think that everything should be easy and very black and white in life, and it just isn’t realistic. They also seem to be the most judgmental people I encounter on these sites, the

You know, a lifelong marriage is probably different for everyone, but one thing that is common to all of them is that it ebbs and flows, both emotionally and physically.

Pretty sure there’s no way to verify anyone of anything unless you want to throw that whole ‘discreet’ part out the window. Pretty sure the only reason they verify you at all is when you put in credit card numbers to pay for services, which I’m certain is more for legal reasons in case someone is comitting identity

After my wife dumped me for someone else, and I spent months hurting and alone, I signed up for AM. I actually met, in the real world, three different women, turned down offers to hook up from two others, and then met my fiance. All on AM. And not a one of us was married or otherwise committed. My info has been

I’m a real-life AM user here, obviously posting from a burner account. Middle-30s male in the USA, and that’s all the identifying info I want to give. Here’s my take on things:

The data from this dump - particularly the email/replay/chat date fields - don’t accurately reflect my activity or the activity of my friends on the site. (But it does appear that the data from all the other fields in the dump is accurate). See my comment at…

If you’re a guy on AM looking for women 21-30, many of those profiles are from pseudo-professionals. They message guys, start a conversation with them, and then try to redirect them to their pay-to-view web cam page or some other site.

Your analysis is flawed.

I, a female, went on and after 3 days shut down my account because I was overwhelmed by the responses from men. In that time, I did chat with 2 men and over 2 months had sex with 2 others. It’s been since May and I’m still seeing one of them.

Oh, so thats why i didnt get a reply back!

Why are you so stupid?