
Thank you for doing this. I hate to look at these images, but people seem to forget that this is what it looks like when a man beats up a person less than half their size.
It’s crazy because while I know this will make (likely a positive) difference, I’m sad that it’s necessary. I’m sad that it took video of Ray Rice

And much respect to Deadspin for not letting this one go and publishing what they have.

The repair tech who came to fix our washing machine last year was a woman with the same first name as me. My daughter was beside herself. Followed her around, offered to help, asked a billion questions, and then asked me why I couldn’t just fix the washer myself. I don’t want to believe it, but I think my kid was

We could smell gas in my driveway last night, so we called National Grid.

Exactly: what is she GAINING through this? The inability to find housing Public shunning and her entire life put under a microscope? Great, sign me up! Holy shit. And yeah, I’m sure he was a great community volunteer; that’s how you get access to the vulnerable. This isn’t news to anyone with half a brain.

Dear Entire Town of Dearborn, Kansas,

Don’t be scared. There is so much more out there (Internet) about things like postpartum depression, other new mom’s feelings, hormone shifts, etc. than there was when I had my son 25 years ago.

If you EVER send someone something saying “I win” in a non-humorous context, there is no question you lost really, really hard.

CNN is reporting that Owen Labrie’s parents begged the judge for no time, saying that losing his Harvard acceptance was punishment enough. If you ever want to see how this level of entitlement, assholeness and shittery happens, look no further than the parents. I wish them the worst.

The people who send them there already live with massive cognitive dissonance. They’re the people who start racist statements with the statement “I’m not racist but”. They want government hands off their medicaid. They get government assistance but hate welfare queens. Their daughter is pregnant at 16 but want

I do not know why we continually elect people to public office when they state time and time again that they hate government. They actively try to fuck everything up and then smugly point out that it’s fucked up. Gee, I wonder why.

I’d say the same to all members of the so-called Freedom Caucus in the House. Since all you do is whine and complain without ever planning on legislation beyond repealing the ACA, just quit and be “pure” conservatives, living in isolated cabins in the wood, far away from any public service anywhere.

Why do people keep voting for this guy? In the real world, if you visibly loathe your job, you’ll get canned by the higher-ups pretty damn quickly. Let’s just hope his disdain will lead to a few major faux pas!

Twenty years from now, if someone tries to reboot the Hunger Games franchise

No, it is more like mad max fury road. The outcry goes way above and beyond just remaking a classic. It’s called misogyny.

What I found astonishing was the offended manchildrens’ failure to understand that many of the rabid fans of the original were women. This remake isn’t “for women” any more than the original was “for men”. It’s the same old falsehood rearing it’s head again; that female protagonists are for a strictly female audience,

The Katniss fans would freak out because Katniss is one of the very few female leads of a successful action/adventure film. Being a woman is a central reason she’s loved/admired so much by her fans. Meanwhile there are million comedy films with men in the main roles — so I don’t really see how these two situations

An unidentified neighbor jumped to his defense, saying he isn't responsible for his actions. May as well have said boys will be boys. Give me a fucking break. He knew exactly what he was doing.

Remember when Chelsea was pregnant and they made a huge deal out of Hillary becoming a grandmother and asking how would she be a “good”grandmother and still do her job? :/ I’m still annoyed about that.

THIS. SO MUCH. In fact, a woman could say, “I am here to work, and my family comes second,” and people would be like, “But does she really mean that? She’s probably just going to get pregnant and leave.”