
The hero worshipping and the resulting entitlement would have been a great subject as well.

Thinking about getting a travel fund. I think this is a grand idea. Thanks for the advice!

Can you please kindly explain the sunset clause? As someone who wants a prenup (as does the bf) I would like to be as informed as possible!

I get that he's family....but you should probably wait to hear the evidence before slinging mud at the victims.

This a great point. Funny to me that they all seem repulsed by him because their insane and backwards stances created the monster that is now cannibalizing their party.

THANK YOU. Mental illness is such a scapegoat when tragedies like this occur. Rather than actually judge our own twisted rhetoric and culture we say things like “well, we really need to do something about mental illness”. Until we are willing to actually put money in the budget to help our mentally ill it shouldnt

“Aids, hurricanes we are in end times”???

Does she not know what incest is? Christ, if a 13 year old has to make the decision it’s a necessity, not a debate.

I get angry about war in general, but one could argue bombings are strategic to erode the will and military structure of the enemy. They are less about the specific cruelty and more about damaging infrastructure and weakening morale.

This and Candy Crowley is the reason I stopped watching CNN. Why this isn’t a “and this disgusting perp got time. Round of applause everyone!” from everyone at that network is a reflection of our awful culture of victim blaming. I guarntee you is someone got caught on camera vandalizing someones house they would get

Uh...yes. does a year really make a difference when it something so horrific and they CLEARLY knew what they were doing? And becoming more progressive as a society doesn’t start or even end with giving someone a slap on the wrist for asaulting someone. It starts with teaching people empathy, respect and compassion

THANK YOU. I have argued that this country-and many others-don’t take rape seriously in the courts. Is someone being a rapist a terrible thing in society’s eyes? How can it be when we don’t even convict someone when there is overwhelming evidence-the most there can be shy of video?

This is disheartening and infuriating, but let’s keep these dudes out in the open. So us sensible people know who to avoid.

If women operated on emotions rather than logic, most men would have their balls kicked in with this terrible prevailing logic.

Truer words have never been spoken.

Hurt Locker is a superb movie...I would recommend it. I have gotten older I must admit I am VERY weary of women who only have male friends.

Now playing

Soooooo this is how he SHOULD have responded.

How about we stop defining whether or not a woman is “real” or not by her weight. Or color.

From what I’ve noticed, unless they are very open minded, men see things from their perspective only. As in only viewing it from an average mans body being “complimented” by catcalls coming from women.