
I was raped 20 years ago. I still have nightmares. What amends can my rapist make that will make that go away? He can’t. He can’t give me back what I lost.

Sure, people who commit crimes can be rehabilitated. That’s true in many cases. Thieves can figure out how to live without stealing, sure.

Really? I don’t think it’s effective in the long run, but as far as discouraging the “senior salute,” it seems to me like it’ll be a cold shower on the whole fucked up tradition. But I may be overly optimistic.

whoof, i’m kind of questioning of sex offender registries, but you definitely lost me at “these punishments far, far exceed the crime.”


“Pressuring”? This is called rape. Not sex. Rape. Please don’t call rape sex. That’s like calling a mugging a gift of your wallet and cell phone.

19 is plenty old enough to understand the concept of “don’t sexually assault someone.”

I have my reservations about the sex offender registry in general, but this is a great use of it. It means that during the next Senior Salute, some guy might decide pressuring a 14-year-old into sex isn’t worth spending the rest of your life on a list of rapists and pedophiles.

To the “It’s not fair” crowd: It isn’t fair being a victim of sex abuse, either. Now he’ll know a little about what it’s like.

I mean, even in the annals of terrible people, Andrew Jackson stands out as a real piece of shit. Even Genghis Khan is like, “Motherfucker has ISSUES.” Even Vlad the Impaler is like, “What is your major malfunction, dude?” Even Nero is like, “Bro, you really need to chill.”

From the Post: “He described himself as the result of a “crisis pregnancy,” born while his parents were in their junior year of college.” “I always grew up with the understanding that some people have kids in less than fully intended situations and there’s nothing wrong with that.”

It’s one of the world’s great ironies that a woman in the military is more likely to be raped by her commander than an enemy combatant. And it’s funny, in the blackest, most twisted gallows-humor sense of the word “funny”, that a lot of people hear about this, scratch their hollow pates, node sagely and say: “Well,

Well, he’s just saying out loud what so many men won’t admit out loud.


It’s kinda like, I just know that women make rash decisions emotionally – they make very permanent, cemented decisions – and then later, it’s kind of like it didn’t happen, or they didn’t mean for it to happen

Wow, just the multiple levels of entitlement at play here is amazing. Filmmaker being “oppressed” by a critic? Cry me a fucking river. The privilege of making and putting out your art goes hand in hand with criticism. Successful artists who whine about critics or the content of the criticism are the worst. Criticism

Lady reporters should have the same access to the team as their male counterparts.

It’s always a good sign when a couple starts off their marriage with an act of complete and total self-centered assholery.

Man, I’m in the wrong industry! I could’ve just laid back and watched the checks roll in if I had set up my fetus mill. BTW, would it be inappropriate to call my uterus a fetus mill?

Are condom bouquets a thing? Cuz he could mail her a big one. I mean, bouquets come with cards.