
Well he was a recruiter so I wanted to work for the company he was recruiting me for. His boss said they’d assign me to another recruiter but that didn’t really work out and they all seemed like assholes so I’ve moved on.

I think there is a absolutely a difference between complimenting someone’s style, accessories, hair, clothes, etc. and their body or face. I agree, and I do like a “Those are awesome earrings!” compliment.

I DO think there is a way to compliment people you don’t know without being a creep, and that way is not making it sexual. I love complimenting women (oh GOD that does sound terrible) on fashion choices, hairdos, outfits, etc., as long as it’s “wow, that necklace is beautiful!” and not like, “that necklace really sets

I got hit on by a recruiter from LinkedIn. We were discussing a position that would be a huge step up for me and then he sent me this.

I so agree. Also, we’re supposed to greet this shit like it’s a goddamned gift. Oh yeah! I made someone’s penis happy today! Whoopie!

The reason why this continues to happen is that women are not taken seriously, under any circumstances. Whether we’re looking for work, voting, shopping, having sex, basically’s hard to be taken seriously.

I want them to think about whether *they* would enjoy receiving this compliment from a man. “Hey, fantastic job on that brief!” = a-ok. “Hey, you’re really attractive.” = jesus, dude, must you?

Why in the world would anyone think this was appropriate behavior on what is basically a work site? Why would anyone in the world write about how she should be flattered and not offended? Are people really this stupid?


This is too exhausting.

My boss actually sent this article around to our team last week, as both an example of, 1) our attorneys better not ever fucking do this, & 2) can we hire her, please.

But your analogy proves nothing because no one who deliberately provokes a bear is confused about what outcome is going to be. It’s a direct cause and effect situation. A woman doing whatever it is that you imagine could implicate her in her rape, isn’t making a choice to do something knowing that her choice will end

Bad example, because in your scenario by poking the bear, you’re coming into its personal space and directly signaling to it that you might be a threat to its safety, and mauls you out of self defense. That’s not an analogous situation to how a woman might invite a raping.

Sure, special preference should only be based on who your daddy knows or went to school with.The idea that success is based on merit is such a fucking myth.

“Boys will be boys” is always used as a “get out of jail free” situation for boys’ misbehavior, but “girls will be girls” is used as a way to ignore a woman’s statements. The former helps boys, the latter hurts women.

You know that he felt safe doing it because he was surrounded by cops. Well... Cops and Texas.

“I feel it’s really important that we make fun of everybody,” she said. “I think [what] brings us together and unites us as people is that we can poke fun at all of us.”

she has a few “dear ___” videos and “dear instagram models” is one. she also has a video called “why you really got divorced” made by a person who has never gotten married and divorced.

She had a video where she slut shamed women for being “Instagram Models”. When did being a raging asshole desperate for attention become a replacement for talent in comedy?

As a self enlightened individual, you have to understand the irony of the male feminist showing up to tell the ladeez to keep down the snark.