
Sex is awesome. So it birth control. Granted it’s not like she’s been popping out kids since her first one. Who knows? She could have been on it and got pregnant anyway. It happens (although not as much as people would like you to believe).

No, no! It totally works. You just have to get married book a sweet PSA gig before you stop abstaining. Then you’re set!

Apparently God has a great sense of humor.

Wow. It’s almost like abstinence-only education doesn’t actually work. Who knew?

I’d say this matter pertains to public health and safety.

Who lets their kid spend time with this garbage human?

“First I roll over on the bed I built for myself
and look at the ground. If there are clothes I wore from the previous day and they’re not too dirty, that’s what I put on.”

“Away We Go” is so incredible. Criminally under-appreciated and she was brilliant in it. Especially that slap in the beginning. You know the one I mean. You could see the ending coming a mile away and she still crushed it.

Well, some of the women on Twitter who support GamerGate aren’t really women, of course. But I agree, it’s a problem. It’s the woman in the supermarket who stops another woman and tells her off for bottlefeeding, or the woman who calls another woman a slut, or the woman who doesn’t stick up for another woman over

I call it right-wing cool girl syndrome. They’ll never voice any opinion on anything unless they stand to get a dude’s attention from hating on women and reinforcing the idea that traditional gender roles are just like, so awesome, and that they only want a husband that is going to be the primary breadwinner that

Not too long ago an article on Jezebel led me to some MRA forum. The bullshit being spewed there was mind numbingly stupid. But I think they thing that I found most offensive were the women who were active posters on this forum and who talked about all this blue pill/red pill bullshit and what manipulative money

I was kind of like this in high school. I was convinced that all women were idiotic and that feminists were batshit crazy. I refused to wear feminine clothes or do any “feminine” things and developed a very misogynistic and mean sense of humor. When I went to college, I realized that I had to reconcile my hatred of

Who are these women who side with men on every.single.damn.thing? Who are these women who refuse to believe that gender wage gap is real? Who are these women that think they “don’t need feminism” because women in other countries have it worse (so we should just stop trying, I guess)? I simply don’t understand this

I had an English teacher once who used to say "the guilty dog barks first." I tip my hat to him for giving me the perfect saying to encompass this situation.

I hear you. My Dad is astonishing. Throughout my life, my main dating problem has been expecting men to treat me with the same unthinking respect he treats my mother. Oh, and expecting them to take responsibility for their own problems.

I had a strong male figure in my life. A good, kind, intelligent feminist who loved us unreservedly. I was constantly accused of having “daddy issues” because I expected the men in my life to actually be men and not boys with “mommy issues.” ;)

Exactly!!! “Hey,, how do you deal with a woman who has issues because her dad withheld his love and neglected her emotionally?" “Why, you withhold your love and neglect her emotionally. Duh.”

Oh it’s talked about, but it’s just painted in the form of a book or movie about a dude’s fucked-up relationship with his father and how he goes on a deep, spiritual journey in order to reconcile the emotional trauma it caused him because like you said, we’re supposed to believe that men are strong and us ladies are

As a single male, I try to find dating advice on sites like these, but they always seem to boil down to treating females like shit and buying clothes I can’t afford. I don’t want to treat others like shit and can’t find contemporary advice columns that offer non-douchy advice. I did find a book from the 80s that

I learned early that sometimes the people who are supposed to take care of you will leave you. That’s not a complex, that’s a fact.