
So glad they caught the fucker alive. I want to hear why and most importantly I want the “lone wolf”/ “lone gunman”/ “mentally ill” crowd to go to the nearest sky scraper, hold hands and jump off.

Just to recap: We wanted to get a woman on the $20 and instead we are getting a woman to share the $10. So, basically we got a $5 bill and a great case study for the existing wage gap.

*sigh* Because race isn’t gender. Because “trans-racial” is a concept that was made up last Saturday so the 24 hour news cycle could obsess over Rachel Dolezal whereas transgender is a concept that has literally existed and been discussed for thousands of years. Because Rachel Dolezal is apparently a pathological liar

Race and gender are two very different things. Race doesn’t have any scientific base (for example, I’m Indian, however there are people with the same tone of skin as me who are considered black. There’s no real scientific degree to which you can meaningfully classify people by skin color, it’s a completely social

Ah, she’s one of those—enjoys all the benefits of feminism, but doesn’t want to acknowledge how it’s helped her.

Saberi says she was first diagnosed with end-stage renal failure in 2013

That’s good stuff.

So you’re against the enforcement of wills?

My mom just promised me she won't try to fertilize my eggs if I die before her.

Meanwhile here in the good ol’ USA, Sofia Vergara is alive and well to say how she wants her eggs used and it’s still going to court . . . (right? I haven’t missed an update on that story?)

There ought to be a PSA to life in general that goes something like: "99.99999999% of the things you experience in life are unimaginably complex, to make sense of them and understand them you need to apply deep and analytical thought, and you should be immediately distrustful of anyone who tries to wrap it up in a

Why, its almost like consent is this fairly nebulous thing that is highly dependent on things like context in which it is asked for and/or given and the relationship you have with the person(s) you're seeking consent from!

For what’s it worth, I didn’t think you comment was overly intense just raw and honest.

Who cares what her agenda is, why did she need to wear my skin tone as a god damn costume to accomplish it?

Uh, she stole scholarships meant for black people; faked hate crimes; taught a race studies class where she’d bring in her fake black dad; was racist herself towards hispanic women and according to some students, black women as well; lied about being whipped like a “slave”.

It’s backfiring, because I am falling in love with all of these ladies.

"That was really her being bad. She's not a good babysitter," Abby said.

SNIPERS on his front lawn? For (what turned out to be false) alleged robbery? Jesus Christ.

""They got them back because of me being a superhero." Abby Dean: Superhero and not here for your racist bullshit."

You keep on fighting the good fight, Abby. Truth and Justice need you on their side.