
Banks especially don’t seem to have a clue. I use Bluebird for paying at gas stations/fast food joints so my debit card/account aren’t exposed. My bank locked out my transfer to Bluebird. The security mgr. told me, “I think that’s a service for money laundering. People use it to move money around so they don’t have to

I like to date, I like sex, I however can not seem to combine these two things into anything resembling a normal relationship.  Am in my mid-30s and have never had a relationship longer than 6 months and usually, I wanted out after a couple of weeks.

I know everyone makes fun of the “Olds” who don’t rely on apps for everything in their life...but I’ll bet the “Olds” can tell you what is in season by it’s smell and appearance.

Yeah whatever you do, don’t bother trying or experimenting on your own, what fun is that.

People who speak with a rising inflection and an excess of “like”, “kind of”, and “actually”can make me a psychopath.

I wish they would all learn that you aren’t supposed to talk with your mouth full of food. And for F*cks sakes, please close your freaking mouth when you chew...Carole is the worst at this, but maybe with those teeth, she can’t close her mouth?

“...hourlong drive from Downtown Los Angeles (the I-5, am I right??!!)“ Uh, no, not really, 101 is more direct route.

Not to mention the face that she’s a ringer for his dead wife.

The new one is SoCal fake wealthy all the way, not a single vehicle with a license plate on it.

Sorry, I disagree. She seems to have a bit of an entitlement thing going. She is using someone elses’ work, and then complains that she will lose income if she is barred from continuing to use THEIR WORK?

People fib/embelish a lot on resumes. I know someone who received a certificate for a (single) class she took at Harvard, she has everyone believing she has an Ivy League education.

Would everyone please go to Johnson & Johnson and give them sh*t over their flex band-aid ad where the dancer never once says “please” or “thank you”?

So, what does cause that Skittles noise?

For real on this new “wife” tons of pictures of fancy cars and not one of them has a legitimate license plate on it.

Like a guy I know who had to borrow money from his parents and sign a 7 YEAR loan on a car which he discovered is a gas guzzler and uncomfortable. Dude, why didn’t you rent one for a weekend and see if you even fit in the car?

I don’t worry about being replaced, i don’t take my time because I end up having to work it anyway. Getting 4 - 8 calls when you’re out messes up any relaxation, why should I be burning my time when I’m going to have to work doing it?

Carole - for such a worldy woman, has no one ever told her not to speak with her mouth full, or for that matter to close her mouth while chewing?

OMG, this is what I hate more than anything. Those fire and brimstone oratories, anyone ever starts ranting like that and I’d walk away from them. And the father in Scandal makes me crazy, why would no one have offed him 10 years ago? He’s a human being not some immortal being.

Haha the fools trying to bring their ginormous “carry ons” should pay all the other passengers $500.

Haha the fools trying to bring their ginormous “carry ons” should pay all the other passengers $500.

Humble brag much?