
If you could see the girls who could pass for strippers and sex workers with the way they dress (super tight, extremely short, sheer and showing all the boob possible without being naked) for prom at SoCal schools, you would understand where the rules come from.

OMG - that twit drives me nuts. “Oh let’s make hand painted wrapping paper that will cost you 10 hours of your time, when an identical roll of it sells for $2.50"

You beat me to the punch. Where do they think a rescue team is coming from? Most likely, the targets of a strike would be gov’t and military. My neighbors and I can barely get it together in a wildfire, I can’t even imagine the chaos and panic of an event like this.

Wow, can Madeleine speak a sentence without saying, “like” or using that rising inflective which sounds as though she is asking a question?

You don’t bring it up. Sit back, let things take their course. Men will be with you if they want to be with you. Nothing you say or do will make it any different, so why potentially push him away with a conversation that doesn’t need to happen?