
Fuck you, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, fuck your boss, fuck that wonky eye of yours, fuck your slewfoot daddy who cursed you with his face, fuck Ben Carson, fuck Mike Pence and Mother, fuck alla yall.

Of course she said that. What else would she say? She wouldn’t care that a black man was killed even if she weren’t spokeswoman for the White House, to her its what we deserve. This woman is a trash can rocking some Lisa Simpson, pearls. I’d be shocked if she knew that his name was Stephon with a “p”. I’d be shocked

“this is something that is a local matter and that’s something that we feel should be left up to the local authorities at this point in time,”

Lol, she speaks so well for a Becky. The way her voice doesn’t go up at the end of every sentence like she’s always asking a question.

Hey, fellow wypipo! In case you were wondering, as many of my melanin-deficient brethren do, what examples there are of all this white privilege you don’t think you have and happened to wander over here, ask yourself seriously if you think a white NFL player would be facing up to 10 years in prison for maybe knocking

The “white” ethnic designation is interesting too. For those who usually check that box, the census gives examples of what one may write, and those actually include those born on the continent of Africa including “Egyptian,” which is laughable, if not a boost for overall white numbers in the United States.

Stevante “Flava Flav, Jr.” Clark wasn’t about to let SacTown City Council “Thoughts & Prayers” their way through that meeting. Good for him

It was like every black person in Sac was there. Sac is only about 7% black on a population of about 400k, so there aren’t many of us. I think the mayor wants to things... but man, that lame council - none have made statements other than the fella representing Stephon’s district. And the right-wing DA is all

he should have just self medicated with booze and weed like the rest of us do. it’s also suspect to claim you were abused as a kid while your parents are right there supporting you; where were they when you were watching porn at age 7? we didn’t have the internet back then, where did the porn come from? I am even

“it averages out to be about $1,000 per kid or about $25k per classroom.”

...with attorney James E. Crawford Jr. noting that while his client’s actions warranted prison time, they stemmed from the abuse that he himself suffered as a child and a teen.

I refuse to even read anything Ms. enema bag regurgitates. One cannot engage in discourse with a waste product. Waste is not sentient.

It’s with an artist’s interpretation of a dilapidated trailer home with a 93 Chevy Cavalier parked in front, all inside a large pill bottle with a redneck’s Gramma’s RX info on the label.

Edit: rage. I can’t be held accountable for my misuse of words or typos. I’m angry today. And this shit just adds to it.

The centerpiece of the exhibit is a wall of 22,000 engraved white pills – each representing the face of someone lost to a prescription opioid overdose in 2015

Increasing the racial divide? Abso-fucking-lutely. Day by day, I find myself more and more harboring some serious contentment towards whites. Shit like this just enhances those feelings.

Me: What the fuck is an opioid memorial and why would Rusty Jones jump so fast to praise it and ...

I’m waiting for the day a crowd just beats one of these assholes into a coma.

Toney said if people have issues with how Clingo did his job, they should contact Kroger.