
According to CNBC, United had the highest rate of animal deaths than any other U.S. carrier in 2017.

Haven’t flown United in a while but I sure as fuck won’t be flying with them ever again.

Are overhead bins airtight, or is it likely the puppy just died from stress?


There are other “hallmarks” of appropriation not being mentioned here, like exploitation and erasure. Bruno seems to be getting a pass without proper examination of the issue largely because:

“Spell BOSS”

M-O-O-N, that spells “deaf and dumb”.

I want her and Sarah Palin to have a televised spelling bee.

Just googled her name, yep she is done, there is at least several pages worth of results with clear mentions of what she did without the need to click on any articles and there are pictures of her too she she doesn’t get to claim that was someone else. Any prospective employers would have to be crazy racist themselves

I’ll throw in a free home-cooked meal for Rowe and the owner of the fists that Beckysaurus is about to catch.

I’d be willing to donate to their legal fees.

Exactly!!!! Ass whooping was the right course of action. This chick is/was so disrespectful that a ass whooping was the only correct punishment for this crime. SMDH!!! WHITE WOMAN PRIVILEGE @ it’s finest. So disgusted......

I read somewhere that “everyone eventually gets the face that they deserve”. Think about the old folks in your life and how the happy ones seem beautiful, but you can see the angry crazy ones from a mile away.

My first impulse when I read this story is that this white girl was mad that a black girl was so much prettier than she was.

If someone were to beat the living shit out of this bitch I wouldn’t feel bad about it AT ALL.

It was aired to do what Fox News does best, make white people angry and afraid.

BTW, when someone dies I’m going to start saying “Nah, he/she just went out of style.” Iconic.

I saw it this Friday, with my 7-year-old and 2 of his friends, and while I thought it was a bit slow, the three boys LOVED IT. LOVED. IT. To the point where my son got very, very upset when he found out my husband and I didn’t love it as much as he did. I think Ava Duverney made a movie for kids, not adults, and I

My offer just got approved on a house today! I’ve been waiting for their response for days, and when the agent called and said they signed it, I was like ‘shit just got real.’