
Yeah, I live in Oregon and the more information that comes out every day from local reports about his family, the more heartbreaking it is. These women were evil, and there was so much evidence, but because of their whiteness they were allowed to continue a cycle of abuse.

Yes, you’re right. None of those beautiful children had to die like that. And something I’ll never understand is why some suicidal people insist on taking the innocent with them.

The case workers, the judges, and any other child “protective” services workers who touched this case all have blood on their hands. I hope the aunt makes sure that none of them ever forget what their biases did.

Not just that, they were allowed to adopt more kids in Texas after they had already been accused of abuse.

Why, it’s almost as if there’s some sort of bias in the court systems, like, a flaw that makes it corrupt and illegitimate to the core...

So, despite the Harts’ run-ins with the law, reports of alleged child abuse, and 911 calls from some of the children themselves, they were allowed to keep the kids. But Ms. Celestine, a blood relative with no criminal history and stable employment who wanted all of her sister’s children, had them taken away on the

Tell me next time you do this how it turns out... they will tell you to fuck off, I guarantee you. Sadly we all as teenagers are not very considerate. If they didn’t bother with old neighbour, they wouldn’t listen to you either...

To be honest, I don’t blame you for taking those precautions. There’s folks, who are stating that you should’ve told them kids off rather than call 311, as if there isn’t a “what if” risk in doing so. Not every person is going to respond in a positive and calm manner. That’s the thing that they are not getting.

TRUTH. This is what Whites just do not (will not?) understand.

First of all, you need to check your assumptions, motherfucker. In my part of the planet women don’t need permission to use the fucking computer.

Guess you’ve never dealt with teens before then?

Yeah he’s a troll. It sure seemed like he had found another bridge to hide under, but he’s back with a vengeance. Ignore this doofus.

In these days, unfortunately, you cannot run up to anybody.

But this. This poor kid. They weren’t trying him for the death of his friend. (Which he had nothing to do with.) The courts don’t care about the death of another black man at the hands of a cop. He was judged because he had the audacity to laugh at white authority, so he gets 65 years in prison.

Stands in stark contrast to the trials of six officers who all participated in delivering Freddie Gray to jail with a severed spine, doesn’t it?

These type of accomplice laws are bullshit, since there’s been numerous cases of (usually Black boys and men) charged with crimes they didn’t personally commit and may not have even known about.

I’m tired, so damn tired of this injustice.

Because theyre both loud and vulgar, my brain initially mixes up Tiffany and cardi b. However I can’t deny their respective talents. Tiffany is actually really funny, and cardi is really skilled. But what they both have in common is their realness. Being someone raised in Jamaica queens, realness is a value I respect

Look at the thug just lurking in the background like some expensively costumed pervert. They stay lurking when they see black-and-brown.

Then think about people like George Zimmerman before commenting that idiocy.