
Some relatives of the people who died are furious at the mother of the toddler; they said she didn’t shout fire when she grabbed her own kids and ran to safety. I know toddlers are super fast and can get into stuff very quickly, and no one can say how we would react in a crisis like this. But this kid has a history of

So basically the vast profits from Black women helped fund the purchase of an iconic media empire geared to Black women. I don’t know how these things work, but I truly hope the executive team of Black women keeps Richelieu’s ‘let’s market shea butter to white women and then fauxpologize to BW with WE FUCKED UP FAM’

I have never seen this photo of Erica before and it breaks my heart. She looks so much like her father and has a world weary but I’m still here expression on her young face.

“counter to the activism previously seen” Counter to? Previously seen? Refusing to talk to white reporters is the Garner family STILL applying their activism and righteously so, although it’s being done out of grief and necessity to maintain some semblance of their sanity. And sometimes for Black people in America,

Thanks for phrasing it like this. Lazy comedy uses stereotypes for a cheap laugh, and it’s always funny until the joke is on the person laughing. My brother used to like Andrew Dice Clay’s fake Brooklyn Italian shtick UNTIL he told a few repulsive jokes about black women, abortions and black men—all of a sudden this

My friend’s brother is a NYPD cop (black man) who was harassed by his co-workers for putting up a photo of Trayvon Martin in his locker. A Black man quietly showing respect to a murdered Black teenager actually enrages these demons.

I love the ones who show up to chastise black people, and not the bs we are talking about. Eff em.

“I don’t agree that is the best response.”


This lady suffered this torment for longer than many of us have been alive, and the caucasian demons who terrorized her are long gone and hopefully burning in their deserved hell. She spoke up when her family could have easily been murdered by these savages. To me, this defines a hero during a time when Black women

I’m not going to drink in their stupidity, but I will wish that diseased pos dies slowly in a grease fire. Problem is it came from hell, so the heat won’t even bother it.

Yes—it’s like calling a Black woman who handles her business “sassy”. They would call a white WWII vet a “hero”.

Hi Neighbor! Its Bedford Stuyvesant Brooklyn—I don’t know about boundary restrictions; I am not sure how the group administrator manages that.

You are right, it’s absolutely criminal—it’s targeted harassment but like their sheet wearing brethren they know how to hide their actions.

I live in Bed Stuy and know a Black woman who owns a huge, lovely cafe here. She has seen a white male wearing a hoodie open a bag of live mice in next to her place one morning-She saw him standing there and he waited until she opened the door to do this. This was after a week of watching the white girl who owns the

Agreed. There are women who believe a man will magically change their minds about parenthood once a woman becomes pregnant; and it’s often a fairy tale which can be also unfair to the child.

“To be honest though, now that you’ve used “females”-

What “hypocrisy”—that I believe some women make bad decisions with the men they choose over and over? If you think that’s “hilarious” you have an odd sense of humor.

An abuse survivor who began with “GFY” after I clearly stated I was not applying my comments to anyone who stayed in a relationship out of fear of violence.

Thanks for providing the links and being civil as well. I was very clear about my opinion not applying to anyone who has been threatened with danger or loss of resources; but it’s a touchy issue and my thoughts about it are unpopular. I can’t help that.