
Also—if you watch the show Greenleaf there is a story line about teenage dv. The teenage daughter in a loving family with doting parents & grandparents is in a relationship with a controlling, violent little bastard. When her parents find out her mother cries that she has done everything she could to make sure her

I didn’t exactly say abused people allow themselves to be abused—I’m talking more about how and why someone gets into these relationships to begin with when there is no history of abuse in the woman’s life that motivates her to seek these men. I have seen this up close several times personally, and in those cases the

And fuck you sideways.

That’s the strange thing—I know those parameters exist also but it’s difficult for me to empathize if the man is not providing for the woman, or not threatening her if she leaves. I watched my beloved oldest sister suffer this kind of mental abuse when she was the breadwinner, and like you noted she was in love and

At the risk of sounding callous and cold hearted, a lot of women really need to stop thinking they can change a man’s mind. I obviously don’t know this couple, but when a male says it doesn’t want a child and this pos looks like he calls women “females” anyway—WHY procreate with it? I understand this poor woman was

Hope you feel better now cakes and pies! I got teary eyed at my desk with the young lady who covered her face and cried, I had to make sure my eyeliner wasn’t running down my face—feeling like these kids are my little cousins.

Thank you—i couldn’t figure out why the whole ‘let’s put them in context in a museum” alternative did not sit well with me and you summed it up perfectly.

I see many Asian women with the lamest, most beta White dudes imaginable, and they are always gazing up at them like they struck white gold.

Word. I saw the Queen Diva on Friday night, and have been singing “ASS EVERYWHERE ASS EVERYWHERE!” all weekend.

Gingy, please.

Same here—i am not into churchified soap operas but this show is not that way at all. Grace knows she is not perfect but she always tries to do the right thing. And Ms. Whitfield has been one of my favorites for years, it’s impossible for her not to be elegant.

But something drives them to lie constantly & pathologically, as if they can’t help themselves. And not all of them, I have met decent White people I trust. But the vast majority of them who see nothing wrong with dehumanizing/terrorizing entire groups of people? Aliens. Human beings don’t behave this way.

Cavebeasts in the greys are Exhibit A—They are a cancer that latches onto healthy life forms and spreads their disease from the inside out—unless of course they can be stopped or contained. Keeping their asses in the greys does the latter.

hmmm—what was that, sounds like one of the cave beasts just belched.

Also—over half of the white voters in an entire state voted this week to put an white accused serial pedophile in the Senate. This is one year after you voted for a game show host who not only bragged about grabbing women’s genitals and admitted /dismissed it as “locker room talk”, he now claims he didn’t say it. And

Lacking empathy is putting it mildly. Many whites believe Black people advocating for our rights as human beings is an affront to them. As if it’s a threat to their oxygen supply whenever the subject of respect and humanity comes up re: Black people. Like the owner of this shitty restaurant—he would rather risk

I am convinced caucasians are alien beings.

Nice try at your Birth of a Nation remix, but it’s already been debunked.

I did a google search for rally, Daniel Shaver. Nothing came up.

1) You assumed wrong. Nice try at presenting a strawman 101 argument, though.