
There are plenty Americans who don’t understand the burning desire for a gun in every home, either. There are white people in this country who brag about bringing their guns to church, they have strutted around international airports brandishing their guns cuz ain’t no libruls takin’ away mah gunz, etc. The majority


They are also cowardly-too chickenshit to publicly admit they only like orange cretin et al, is because they all hate the same people. Also, a white British woman made an interesting comment to me about roughly half of white America—they are inherently insecure about not really having anything to identify with. They

Never mind what this lady looks like—Doesn’t matter if she looked like freaking miss america—trumpkins would still not believe her. These people are unhinged, and this country needs to stop pretending that we’re dealing with normal human beings here. To hell with what

While I know not all trumpkins are toothless yokels, the irony is that the majority of 45's supporters who would BRAG about staying in one of his hotels can’t afford it. They will sit and fume reading this article, wondering who it is they have to bully/threaten/boycott. Dumb fuckers.

“Sometimes the very people who spread the ideas are victims themselves.”

Yeah what is that about? I got hooked on Fleabag and the main character’s self destruction; the show hasn’t been cancelled but season 2 is set for 2019. I don’t know if Brits have longer attention spans than we do, but I won’t care about that show in 2019.

“This is the danger in telling young women that what we wear will increase the chance of abuse against us.”

I truly appreciate Spike’s reply to this filth. Elmer’s “lol my bad!” fauxpology is just as infuriating as the video itself, I refuse to watch it. And may the two thirsty ni66ers who engaged in this desecration of our ancestor be stuck in the chitlin circuit forever:

“My husband is black” Some salty whites have stepped up your “i have a black friend” game.

This is the same Elmer Fudd nigga who thought it was funny to make a skit about Mother Harriet Tubman in a porno (i feel like apologizing to her just for writing that ish)—i cannot stand this insecure, misogynist bastard and black males like him.

Now playing

Jenifer and Shangela is some of her mad they only made 4 episodes

Word. On Nov. 7th most of NYC was watching that damn map and casting spells on the rest of the country (except California).

I’m actually shocked he didn’t say a Black man did it.

99.9% of NYC voted against drumpf (Staten Island doesn’t count).

“I just want women to acknowledge that some women like this” Why am I supposed to be mindful of how other women respond to your primitive dick grabbing?

Who is high fiving your mansplaining bullshit?

Thank you, Atitx. I think a lot of people don’t realize how their words & behavior can affect their own kids.

I like how your family operates, that’s some epic Toni Morrison novel material right there!

This goes back to the Black males are the white people of black people argument. The main force driving this violent apathy towards Black women and girls is the undying need too many have to either protect & defend black males at all costs, and not hold them accountable. For anything.