
Imagine being so universally hated, that millions of people scope out someone’s social media for the sole purpose of telling them their wig should catch on fire. But tbh I get a kick out of reading all the clever ways people all over the world troll dolt 45. I follow this hilarious Twitter account that is a

Apparently everyone doesn’t know what sarcasm looks like.

Guess I should have put a /s

Your comment reminds me of something Larry King said on his show the week after Columbine. He said (paraphrasing) ‘you expect something like this to happen in Harlem’. And with a very solemn tone in his voice, like he didn’t just say some of the most racist shit ever. White people like your boss STILL have the luxury

Wow, they totally don’t look like what i expected.

Looks like somebody who shall remain in the grays doesn’t know about Australia’s special brand of white supremacy.

Wasn’t Purple Rain around the time when Prince was still claiming to be biracial with a white mother? Even his black father said he didn’t know why Prince was saying he was half white. I’ve never seen this flick either, The Time music videos from that era was enough coonery for me.

Pure gold comment. Also if I can add (former) sheriff David Clarke: “Cuz i hate my own black ass that’s why”

“Playing the race card and anything else she could.”

I think you’re right, he’s been “relieved from duty”. No paid vacation this time-plus he attacked a white man who was trying to protect those girls. Hopefully this last bit might ensure this thug will be fired and face charges.

Next Twitter rant from Emperor von HerrClubForMenFail: he will claim to actually know he is the president of the Virgin Islands; this was just his bigliest way of referring to himself in the third person and you losers need to STOP SPREADING FAKE NEWS!

“There is power in saying that”—thanks so much for interviewing Yance and providing another platform for him to tell his family’s story. He’s right, there is power in not allowing the dominant society to reframe us. I have often wondered how the families of Black people murdered by racial violence continue on with

“Thinking to myself ‘Your the dumbass who needs help but you’re going to question or doubt the help you receive—from someone who does not HAVE TO assist you at all.”

This is how diseased, fragile and entitled some caucasians are: when Sharpton was stabbed I was working at a store in upstate NY. One of my co-workers was an obese white woman with a developmental disability. I am not sure exactly what her condition was, and I am not trying to be funny, but one of the things about her

Well no not exactly—I have white friends and co-workers I do care about because they are human beings, and I would be devastated if their lives were taken. And i know there are many whites I don’t know who are not racists and don’t deserve this fate either. I’m just saying—living while Black in America, we know

Our first reaction as humans is to feel sympathy when you hear about people being murdered. But you are correct, we are not always given that same human decency. A bootlicking hispanic cop referred to Tamir Rice’s mother as the b word, several months after her child was shot to death and every photo we saw of this

...that started with caucasians and is perpetuated in every system by them: the workforce, schools, the military, entertainment, law enforcement, government, etc.

The messed up thing is, as human beings it’s only natural to feel sympathy for victims of any tragedy. But because of the virulent, all invasive racism that was not created nor perpetrated by us, it’s also natural that my first thought re: Las Vegas was ‘mostly white folks at a country music concert—most likely to

YES! Forgot about her, the original leader of #BLM! MLK had a lot to say about ungrateful Blacks like her, didn’t he?