
I have HEARD a slaughter (could not bring myself to watch), which is why I have my strong opinions on this.

So that’s why they keep scrawling “human marinade” on my shopping lists...hmmm

Congratulations for living up to your screen name! 🍻

It’s “why pigs exist” for folks like you who can eat themselves into a pork induced stupor. Just the smell of pork cooking makes me nauseous.

Between the malignant cat haters and dude upthread who is “aroused”, you all are as disturbed as the woman who slaughtered these pigs.

Lmao- you have watched too many horror movies.

1) Rats/mice are vermin.

Doesn’t matter to me if they were on a pig farm- they still slaughter these animals while they are alive and that is some cruel ish to me.

Long as my Pumpkin only kills mice he is alright with me.

This is one of those awful stories that makes me look at my cat and apologize for my effed up species.

An adult male told me once that a woman has to have an orgasm to get pregnant. That was a short conversation.

S’cuse my French but fuck Cletus’ white supremacy couch.

I will clarify: has any non-Black or non-left leaning media outlet provided Black Lives Matter a platform to explain once and for all they are not a hate group? Hell even NYTimes has written think pieces about understanding the “economic anxiety” of 45's supporters. Ain’t nobody more mainstream than The Root and

Thank you. Has Univision or any other major news outlet given Black Lives Matter this type of platform? This pandering to racist white trash has gotten tiresome.

ITA- I didn’t even know Univision had Black reporters. They could have easily sent one of their ubiquitous white passing or more racially ambiguous looking reporters, but probably thought sending this young lady to talk to this trash would be real shits and giggles. She should have declined this assignment.


Amazing how when there are enough racist, dysfunctional, addicted or just plain evil caucasians, laws are changed that affect everyone. I wish they would start committing suicides and white on white crime more often over the student loan debt crisis.

Which city? And stay safe.

ITA- White people behaving like decent human beings does not warrant a gold star even in jest, and who knows maybe even Long does not expect a pat on the back. I was annoyed by all the BBQ cookout invites black twitter gleefully offered Michael Rappaport this week because of his anti racist video rant. This is the